Cute Struggles

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Andrea entered her home carrying her new found family member. She refused to call him, her pet.

As she walked into her room, Vincent squirmed and plopped onto her bed. Andrea sighed in relief that he didn't fall and hurt himself. She laughed as she watched the baby squirm, trying to slither around. The baby had barely any control over its own tail. It flicked around in the soft sheets, trying to get active. Andrea smiled and thought that feeding him would be smart. She went into the kitchen quickly and got some milk. She came back to see Vincent had made his way under the sheets.

She laughed and called for him to get out. She was careful to get him. Once she had him secure in her arms, she fed the tiny creature. He fell asleep, peacefully having dreams.


The door bell ringing startled her from the sleep she had fallin into. She gently settled Vincent down, and went to see who it was. When she opened the door she was greeted by John.

"Hey Andrea!" He said happily.

She smiled at him with still drousy eyes. She moved to the side, letting him in. She suddenly remembered about John's cute bunny, and it seemed to be nowhere in sight.

"John? Where's your little fluffball?" She asked with her quiet voice.

John turned to her and had a look of confusion, then simply smiled. He reached over his back and grabbed something. It was Olive, curled up despite being carried. The little creature looked around and saw its new area.

With each creature, they simply had their own personality. Each creature was also specifically the opposite gender of its owner.

Andrea and John lingered awkwardly towards her room and suddenly asked, "So why did you come over, John?"

"I just wanted to see if you can help the little girl. I was hoping she could play with Vincent. Maybe if they make friends now, they won't try to kill each other later." He said holding Jackie close.

"Yeah, that does sound like a good idea." Andrea walked in to see her naga furiously fighting with the sheets.

The baby flailed about, attempting to take the sheets off. Andrea rushed over as she heard the rip of her sheet.

"Vincent! No!" She said as she gently pulled him from the bed, "You poor baby. Sheets aren't to fight with!"

She sighed as she inspected the ruined cloth. She whipped it off her purple bed and turned to place it in the closet. She smiled shyly at John.

"Sorry. That's the first time he's done anything like that. I'm sure he'll play nice with Olive." She said weakly, throwing her sheet to the side.

Andrea picked up Vincent and sat with her legs crossed on her bed with him in the middle of her legs. John sat across from her with Olive cowaring to John's chest. She shivered as she caught the sight of Vincent's sharp teeth when he yawned.

"C'mon Olive. It's ok girl. He won't hurt you." Said John reassuringly to his bunny.

Andrea smiled at him, seeing him care for his campanion. She suddenly had an idea. She went to her tablet and opened up messenger. As she typed furiously to her friends, she made sure Vince didn't scare Olive.

"Andrea? What are you doing?" Asked John.

"I have an idea! Let's just go to the park!" With that, Andrea packed some things in her rose-patterned bag and went off with the three of them.


As Andrea set up a nice, soft blanket on the grass, her friends arrived. Crystal and Andrew came first. Crystal was her newest friend, meeting her in gym class with Jackie. The three of them had a fun time telling jokes.

As they both sat down, looking at Andrea and John they prepared questions. Before either of them spoke, Jackie came in rather loudly, and out of nowhere.

"Hey guys!" She greeted, "Why exactly are we here?"

Andrea smiled and spoke up, "So our creatures could play!"

They all smiled at once. The thought made a stupid smile spread across their faces. Andrew held his one-year-old Hydra in his lap, setting him down on the blanket next to Jackie's Gryphon.

The two creatures stared at each other and made a squaking noise at each other. The gryphon soon got up on staggering legs and played with nearby bugs instead. Andrea's naga still couldn't even stand so she carried him. Andrew's hydra, Doyenne, went up to Vincent and she inspected the baby snake creature. The three headed dragon licked the face of the baby causing it to laugh. Everyone smiled as they witnessed the encounter. Doyenne retreated back to Andrew, after a few moments.

John's jackalope bunny did not move from him. The shivering creature saw the others and feared for its life. Olive went further into the safety of John's sweater, when it was suddenly pulled out by him. The female rabbit sat in the middle of the soft blanket and shivered at the sight of the hydra coming towards it. The fluffy thing quivered more furiously as the dragon came closer to it. With only an inch away, Doyenne tried to lick the tiny creature when it was met with brute force. The jackalope had headbutted the oversized lizard and scurried back to John in a flash. The five friends all looked at the shivering Olive in John's lap. They all stared at each other in shock, when Jackie started laughing at the scene. Doyenne was on its stomach, from shock of being hit. It slowly got up to its feet, to see the laughing friends and retreated back to Andrew.

John was the only one not laughing. Instead just looked at Olive in surprise.

They all took a moment to calm down, when they noticed the little creatures slowly falling into slumber. The girl's being prepared, took out their blankets for their creatures. The two boys simply carried their critters. Crystal didn't really do anything however. She was the youngest in the group making it so she didn't have an animal. She still needed to wait til next year.

They all left laughing and speaking softly to each other on their way back to their homes.

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