Target 3: The Meeting

Start from the beginning


Both Mukuro and Kyoya froze at their spot as they looked at Tsuna with calculating eyes. Tsuna went to attack them both with that sweet smile still plastered on his face. Soon, the fight between Hibari and Mukuro had turned into the fight between three people -Hibari, Mukuro, and Tsuna- fighting each other.

"EXTREEMEEE!! LET ME JOIN IN TOO!" then the fight turned into four way battle with Ryohei joined in the fight.

Hayato and Takeshi glanced at each other before they too smiled and soon joined the battle royal between the guardians and their boss in the middle of the night. Chrome, that was holding Lambo in her hand face-palmed at the scene. "Come, Lambo. It's time for you to go to sleep. Just let them be for now."

"But, Chrome-nee! I want to join the fight too!" The ten years old wailed all the way while Chrome took him to his bedroom. There won't be any meeting tonight for sure after all.

It was when the sun finally rose that Tsuna and his guardians finished their friendly match. They laid down on the grass, panting. They went all out even without using too much flames. Half of the west wing and basically the backyard were destroyed. But there was a satisfied smile plastered on every each one of them, especially Tsuna.

"Phew. That was fun..." Tsuna said when they finally regained their breath.

"Hahaha! That sure is! Are you feeling better now, Tsuna?" Yamamoto Takeshi asked while eyeing their boss.

"Huh... you guys noticed?" Tsuna's smile faltered a bit when he realized that all of his guardians were looking at him. Even Chrome and Lambo --that went to watch the fight a moment before sunrise-- were present too. He was indeed feeling a bit down after what happened in the market yesterday.

"There's something extremely bothering you," Ryohei spoke.

"Kufufu, indeed. You even cracked two of my ribs. There's definitely something bothering you," Mukuro added.

"Hn. (That's because you deserved it pineapple-head)." somehow everyone could get the hidden message behind that one syllable and sweat-dropped. Except Mukuro, who felt insulted.

"Kufu... why you little-"

"Maa maaa! No more fight, minna... So what happened, Tsuna?" Takeshi asked once more.

This time, Tsuna sat up and made a thinking pose before he answered his guardians. He had to choose his words carefully. Very very careful if you might add. He wouldn't want his guardians to go and destroy some cities just because this news after all. "Hm... how should I put it..." there's some pause before Tsuna continued. "The thing is... I met some thugs bothering some civilian children. Then, they told me that they are part of... Vongola."

"Whoa!! Are you sure Tsuna? Can't it be some kind of bluffing?" Takeshi asked with disbelieving tone.

"Uhn... I'm pretty sure they're not lying. But how could it be? How could something like this happened? I mean, for all the thing they can bother, why civilian?!"

The guardians of Vongola went silent when the news finally sunk in. Some of them make an expressionless face when the other simply leaked a murderous aura around them. The suffocating silence was broken by another news from the storm guardian.

"Juudaime, now that you are talking about it... I've got some reports about a few ruckus that happened around the town in Vongola territories. Almost all of them, involved Vongola in one way or another. I think we focus on the alliance too much that we forgot to check our own shoes. I'm sorry, Juudaime. I have failed you," Hayato said while prostrated himself on the ground.

"Hayato stop that! You never failed me! Not any of you," Tsuna told his guardians sternly. "What done is done. It was also my fault because we focused to much into other things this past few months after Nono gave his position to me. More importantly, what should we do now?"

"I'll do whatever you said, Juudaime!" this answer made Tsuna sweat-dropped.

"The low herbivores need to be disciplined," nothing less from Hibari Kyoya.

"Kufufu. I agree with the skylark. Hunt them down," sadist as always.

"Ma maa, why the violence? Can't we just talk nicely to them?" Tsuna couldn't help but think why couldn't all of his guardians be like this guy?

"Extremely peaceful!" Even Ryohei agreed with his thought.

"Nee nee, Tsuna-nii~ what did you do when you saw the thugs bothering people yesterday?" Lambo asked innocently while he crawled into Tsuna's lap. Tsuna chuckled at his antic before he ruffled his lightning's hair.

"Well... I stopped them of course," Tsuna answered easily. He didn't even realize that his lightning was luring him into... something...

"Huh? Won't the thugs attacked you if you did that?!" Lambo sounded kinda terrified while he hugged his big brother figure tightly. The other guardians narrowed their eyes suspiciously.

"Hahaha. You don't have to worry about that Lambo~ There's no way that some thugs were able to defeat... me..." Tsuna lost his sound at the end of his sentence. Crap. He just told his guardians that some people had attacked him!

"Someone had attacked bossu..." Chrome announced the guardians suspicion loudly while the other guardians except Lambo, stood up quickly and prepared their weapons.

"Hahaha, I changed my mind! Let's start the hunting game!" Takeshi said cheerily while re-seating a sword on his back. There's a smile on his face. A smile that promised a lot of pain.

"EXTREME HUNTING!!" Ryohei was already throwing some punches towards his imaginary enemy. Preferably his otouto attacker.

"Kufufufufu~" Mukuro already half disappeared into the mist flames.

"Hn." Kyoya had already walking away.

"W-wait! Everyone waaa-" Tsuna tried to stand only to be toppled down to the ground by his lightning guardian that was still hugging his midsection. One by one his guardians disappeared to hunt some certain people.

"Too late, Tsuna-nii~ They're already gone~" Lambo said with his childish smile.

"LAMBO!! You planned this didn't you?!" Tsuna tried to get rid of the hands on his waist to no avail. "HAYATO! Didn't you say that you will do whatever I said?! STOP!"

"I'm sorry Juudaime. I won't be able to follow your order this time. Chrome, Ahoushi, we put Juudaime in your care," and with that, all of the guardians except for Chrome and Lambo disappeared into who knows where.

"Nyahahahaha~ Tsuna-nii is trapped!" Lambo said gleefully after he released Tsuna.

"Mou, Lambo! That's not how I planned to tell them. What if they destroy a city in the process?!"

"Don't worry, Tsuna-nii! The generous Lambo-sama would help you with paperwork just for this once!" Lambo puffed his chest proudly. No one ever let him touch any important paper after all.

"But Lambo-" whatever Tsuna wanted to say was cut off by a loud BAMM that was caused by a big pile of stone falling into the ground from the destructed west wing.

Tsuna turned his head slowly... very very slowly. He had this bad feeling that he had forgotten something important...

He had forgotten about the destruction of Vongola mansion...


"Come Lambo-kun, let's go get some breakfast."

"Hm? What about Tsuna-nii? He had turned into a stone..."

"Let's just drag him along with us...?"

"Good idea, Chrome-nee!"

Meanwhile, the Vongola hunting had already began. But, unlike in some future that never was, Vongola was not hunted by enemy famiglia. They were hunted by their own bosses.

-Line Break-

A/N: I can finally update! Thanks for my wonderful readers who have been patiently waiting XD

To be honest I never thought that there will be a lot of people who read my story. This one just random after all. Thank you very much!

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