"I won't say... whatever it is you just said, until you're in a shot too." Iceland struggled against the arms, attempting to escape in vain.

Eventually they rested their backs against the railing of the crow's nest, looking out across the ocean. Hong Kong's arm was wrapped around Iceland's shoulders, and in return Iceland's arm went under and his hand rested on Hong Kong's hip. Iceland's head had found a spot in between Hong Kong's shoulder and neck, and both were smiling at the peace and solitude of the moment.

Hong Kong reached out the phone and flipped the camera, and before Iceland knew it he had captured just that one night, that one memory, into a picture that both of them actually liked. It had caught them together, the aurora borealis in the background and even a few of the mountains behind them.

Iceland didn't know, but Hong Kong had actually printed the picture out, bought a nice frame and put the picture on the bedside table next to his alarm clock.

Thinking back to his trip to visit Iceland's home he remembered how easy it was to make someone disappear and make it look like a vicious accident. Hypothermia, drowning, ice caves...

He hit the call button. Anxiously waiting for Iceland to pick up, he began to tug on some of the brown hair that stuck out from his face on his right-hand side. He paced as the ringing went on and on and on, eventually planting his elbow on one of the counters in the home and forcing himself to be still. China was known to walk in at random times after all, and he needed to look normal.

There was a click, and Hong Kong's heart was flooded with hope before realizing that it was only Iceland's voicemail machine. "Hello," it greeted in its overly polite and robotic tone, "the number you are trying to reach is not available. Leave a message at the beep." Hong Kong hung up the phone after hearing the annoyingly loud beep. Quickly walking to his bedroom he pulled out his copy of the Icelandic phonebook he had purchased while there and began sifting through the pages frantically.

His heart was beating frantically, gaining speed by the second. He could feel the pulse thrumming under his skin, could hear it in his ears. "Steilsson, Steilsson..." He muttered under his breath as his eyes scanned the pages. Finally he found the number listed and compared it to the one in his phone. The two were different, and he swore under his breath. Of course. Iceland had swapped numbers to throw Norway off of his tail for fun a few months ago. Hong Kong had accidentally called the wrong number under Iceland's contact. After deleting the incorrect information, Hong Kong called the correct phone number.

"What is it?" Iceland's voice asked before the call had reached its first ring. Hong Kong felt himself let go of a massive sigh.

"You haven't called in a while, nor texted me. I was starting to get worried."

"You should know better than to worry about me at this point, Leon."

"I know, it's just... Have you seen the news lately? It's getting to be a chaotic place in your relative's homes..."

"Ah... What exactly do you mean by that?"

Hong Kong bit his lip as he tried to remember as many details as possible. "I... What I mean is that the government is getting strained. Denmark's people are nearing a panic mode, and there've been numerous riots against the police. It's becoming a dangerous place, a lot of people are trying to either flee or fight, and it's... Iceland, please tell me things are alright."

Iceland's side of the phone was dead silent for quite some time. Long enough of a time that Hong Kong asked if Iceland was still there to confirm that Iceland hadn't hung up. "It's... It's nothing. Yeah, he's just home alone and sometimes he just get a little crazy when he's locked up by himself for so long, you know, that's probably why, yeah, that's it, he just needs to see me and Norway, that must be—"

"Iceland, tell me the truth." Hong Kong could tell something was wrong. Iceland's speech was cracky and thin, not to mention accelerating as he continued speaking. Iceland coughed, and a small sob was heard.

"Leon, Denmark's missing. I'm not supposed to say anything, but we received these recordings of Denmark being tortured that went on for hours and now four people were killed in an explosion..." Iceland took a deep, rattling breath as he obviously tried to calm his nerves. "I'm just so scared," he whispered, forcing his voice to come out, even though it was probably lodged in his throat.

Hong Kong shut his eyes and was quiet for a minute or so, trying to let Iceland collect himself before talking again. He wished that he could be there, with Iceland. "Where are you?"

"I can't say that over the phone, Leon. They could be listening... Oh... Oh no..." Iceland's side of the conversation was reduced to a mass of static and scuffling noises. Heavy swearing in multiple languages came from Iceland, and Hong Kong's worry only intensified.

"You're okay, right?"

Suddenly all of that earlier noise dropped. "Yeah. I'm safe, for now. But I'm not sure how long that will last... And you, you should never call me again, okay? Always let me call you. Otherwise they might catch on and take you too."

"Who're this 'they' you keep mentioning?"

"Oh, we'd all pay to know who they are. Would make our lives a lot easier. I've gotta go, okay? Stay safe."

"You too. And Iceland, I just wanted to say—" Hong Kong was interrupted by the sound of shattering, and the phone call was dropped immediately. "I love you," he finished, a tear slipping down his face, "and don't you ever forget that." He swiped away the year from his face and began packing.

China strolled in, drawn to the room by the noises of the suitcase opening. "Ah... What's all this?" The elder Personification asked, picking up one of Hong Kong's shirts, unfolding it, and then folding the fabric properly.


"—not nothing. Don't even try that trick with me, mister. Tell me." China had always been capable of having that parental authority over screening what Hong Kong said down to the bare and raw truth.

"It's Iceland. You know the news that's been going on about Denmark? Turns out he's been missing for a while, and he's being tortured."

"How did... Actually, never mind how. Lei Siu Chun, I need you to be calm..." Hong Kong stiffened at the mention of one of his human aliases but forced himself to relax. "This isn't an uncommon thing. Almost all of the older nations have endured something similar, and the three Scandinavian countries are no exception to that statement. I'm sure authorities will be able to find Denmark and guarantee the rest of the Nordics' safety in the span of a week."

"And what if it's not over by then?"

"Then I'll get involved. But I won't make you shoulder this by yourself, alright? If things haven't improved in a week then you and I will fly to Scandinavia and hunt them down. But it's not worth going without a reason. A week, do we have a deal?" China's dark brown eyes seemed to stare directly into Hong Kong's mind and read his very thoughts.

While reluctant to agree, Hong Kong eventually nodded. "We have a deal."

"Great, now you can help me make dinner."

Hong Kong rolled his eyes, but in a kind way. "Just can't trick my way out of the kitchen, can I?"

China laughed. "Nope. C'mon now, hurry up and get downstairs."

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