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I am sobbing and bawling and weeping inside- I cannot live without you. The tears start flowing and are fresh on my face, boiling my skin. My makeup I worked so hard on just for you has run down my cheeks, and now I just look like a clown. My hands have become red and raw; I have taken up punching all the walls of my house.
I let out a scream and continue my tears because I honestly do not know how I can still live. I'm kicking and punching the walls like I want to kick and punch you, but it's not enough.
I pick up the framed picture of us together and slowly crunch it in my hands. The glass shards cut my skin, but I do not care. I just want to rip you out of my life, for you have done the same to me. I shred your picture and then throw the frame across the building. My steaming tears and still piled up on my face as I look down at my glass-cut and bloody hands.
I fall down to floor and lie there, staring at a point on the ceiling. I just want you away, you have ruined my life! I scream and scream and I can tell the neighbors are upset. I curl into a ball and hold my head in my hands.
Shhh.... I think to myself.
Shhhh...just calm down.
I lay there for a long time, close my eyes, and for while, I forget you.

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