What does each role do?

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Well okay let me try and break it all down for you :D 

Book formatters- they put all the text in the book in the correct places so when it's to be sold on-line it turns out correctly for the reader. They also change the fonts and style of the writing if appropriate and are also in charge of what goes inside the front and back of the book and also numbering pages. Oh and also spreading the writing out instead of having loads of text on one page and only a little on another one.

Book reviewers- They take the book that's been requested by someone for reviewing, they start at chapter one and review each chapter of the book giving their honest opinion of it even if it's a harsh critique. If the book reviewer finished the book they'll then give the book an overall review and maybe a rate out of 10 and that's pretty much it for the book reviewers, a very popular role so far we've found out though. :)

Assistant managers are not actually needed right now even though the flier say's otherwise as we wont be publishing books yet until our fan base grow a little larger :D 

Editors- It says it in the name, when people come to us needing their work edited, that's what we'll do from editing punctuation to grammar. Even moving around a few words in sentences and using the very handy thesaurus to change overly used words.

Graphic designers- A graphic designer is in charge of all pictures included on and off of the book from the book cover to advertising banners. Basically anything and everything to do with graphics for the authors book all the way up to Pandora Publishing's Advertisement banners.

In the end every one of these roles will be of great importance, especially when it comes to publishing someones book and we'll need you all working to the best of your abilities so we're trying to scrape together a bit of work to do in the mean time until someone ask's us to publish their book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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