Part 20

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Rose's Pov

It's been 2 months since I last saw Luke, I really miss him. We talk/skype/facetime whenever we can, but it's not the same when his not here. Kelly misses Michael a lot, and has been down since he left.

Right, that's it I'm messaging Ashton.

Saying what?

I want to surprise them at the house they are staying at, and I need one of the boys to help me plan it.

Can I come, too? I miss Luke so much.

Of course, silly. I wasn't going to go on my own, no bloody way.

Kelly's Pov

I grab my phone, and start taking Ashton.

Hey Ash, I need your help with something. When you get this please message me back.

Hey Kelly, what's wrong? I'm always here to help.

Is it okay if me and Rose come to London to see you guys? We really miss you all.

Yeah, that will be great, Luke and Michael will be so happy to find this out.

No, don't tell them, we want to surprise them with our visit, that's what we need your help with.

Aww, I understand. So what do use need help with?

Me and Rose wants to surprise them, but we don't know how or anything. Should we come in the morning or in the afternoon?

If use come in the morning before 10am then that would be great, I'll give you the address and everything to where we're staying. When you get off the plane in London grab a taxi to the address and I'll pay for it.

Okay, thanks Ash, we are getting our stuff ready to leave tomorrow, thanks for your help, talk to you later.

Yes! Now we have a plan to go and see the boys, and surprise them.

*the days we get into London*

We only have a hour to get to the place the boys are staying, I text Ash quickly and got a quick reply, so me and Ella got in a cab and told him the address.

When we get outside, I texted Ash again and he came out and paid for the cab.

Thanks Ash.

No problem, just hurry inside before the boys wake up.

All 3 of us run into the house and put our suitcase in the living room.

Wow! This place is so nice.

I know right, anyway would you like a drink or something to eat?

Yeah, can I have a tea with some toast?

Can I have the same at Kelly?

Yeah sure, I'll be back with your drink and toast in a bit. *walks into the kitchen*

Rose and me look around the house, it is an amazing place. Then we walk into the kitchen.

Ash, what will the boys say if they see them suitcases?

Good point, I have no idea. If they say anything I'll just make something up.

We need a plan to surprise Luke and Michael.

Well we hide other there *pointing to the other room near the stairs* and when the boys come down and comes in here, we'll sneak upstairs, I'll go into Michael's room and Rose you go into Luke's room. They wouldn't expect us to be in there room, so it would be a big surprise.

Yeah great idea.

Use better eat this quickly then as they will be up soon.

Me and Rose eat and drink our tea, then we go and hide.

*15 minutes later*

Me and Rose are hiding and then we hear foot steps and voices, then we hear the boys walking down the stairs. When the boys came down I think they saw the suitcases, because I heard Luke say "Who's are those suitcases?" And then Ashton said something I couldn't hear probably. The boys walk towards the kitchen, so it was mine and Rose's change to sneak up the stairs. We walk slowly and carefully up the stairs, then we find what room's who, Rose found Luke's and I found Michael's, they are right opposite each other's lol.

See you in a few minutes.

Yeah hopefully.

We walk into the boys rooms and sit on their beds.

*20 minutes later*

I hear voices outside the door, I stand up and wait for Michael to open the door. Michael opens the door and closes it, he still hasn't seen me yet. When he turns around and sees me a biggest smile on his face grew when he ran up to me and picked me up and kissed me.

Oh my god, your here, I can't believe it.

Here I am, I came this morning.

So, the suitcases downstairs are yours?

Only one of them are mine.

Then who's is the- oh my god, Rose's here, too?

Yeah, now shh you we don't want Luke to find out until he walks into his room.

Okay princess, I love you. *kisses me*

I love you too. *kisses back*

Luke's POV

I finish my coffee and head back upstairs to get dressed, I want my girlfriend here I really miss her, maybe I'll call her when I get upstairs. I walk up the stairs and hear whispering from Michael's room, I don't really care what his doing in there lol, that's his business.

I go to my room, and open my room and closed it behind me. I went to grab my phone from the table, until I heard a female voice, so I turn round to see Rose standing at my door. I run and pick her you and spin her around, and kiss her on her lips.

Oh my god, your here. What you doing here?

I'll go home if you want.

No! I want you to stay, I've missed you so much.

I've missed you too.

I kiss Rose on the lips and we lay back in bed.


Sorry for not updating until now, my phone broke and had to wait to get a new one.

I wanna thank everyone that is reading this and putting really nice comments it mean a lot to me, so thank you all so much, lots of love xx

Bullied and Pregnant by Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now