I am so Angry at You

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Emma frowned she felt awful, she hadn't meant to make her mom so upset. Which is why she took her mother's hand so willingly without question.

About halfway home was when Emma finally found the courage to speak.
"I'm sorry " she whispered and Snow stopped in her tracks looking down at her daughter.
"For what?" She asked simply and Emma resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"I'm sorry I skipped school and made you worry." Emma tried and her mom smiled faintly as she started walking again,but Emma frowned her mom didn't forgive her yet?
"Um did I forget to apologize for something else?" Emma questioned making Snow again halt in her walking.

"No." She told her simply and Emma sighed releasing her hand from her mother's.
"Then how come you don't forgive me?" She asked and her mom frowned.
"It's going to take awhile for you to gain my trust back." Was all she said but this time when she held her hand out for Emma to take Emma just began walking in front of her, hands in her pockets.

Snow sighed following after her daughter when Emma froze upon seeing Mother Superior.
"Hello Emma, Snow." She whispered head hung low and Emma took a step back.
"Hi blue." Snow whispered as Emma ducked behind her.

"I'm so glad Emma was found safe and sound." She whispered and Snow nodded.
"Believe me so are me and David." She told her and Emma let go of her mom when she saw Baelfire sitting across the street. He winked at her and ushered her over.

Emma looked to her mom, who was obviously involved in a conversation with the blue fairy so Emma looked both ways then crossed the street.
"Hey! What do you need?" Emma asked and he smiled.
"I remember something more about my dad." He told her and she grinned.

"Oh yeah what ?" She questioned sitting down next to him.
"His name has an i in it ." he explained triumphantly and Emma face palmed.
"Ugh Baelfire!" She groaned
"What?" He asked innocently and Emma sighed.

"Lots of people have i's in there name!!!" She complained and he frowned.
"Oh yeah name some!" He challenged.
"Red riding hood, David, Felix,Cinderella, Ariel , rumplesti -"
"Okay okay I get the picture but I was just giving you more help." He told her trying to sound innocent and Emma glowered at him.
"Uh thanks but I think you've helped me enough!" She hissed starting to stand but he pulled her back down.

"Aw I'm sorry Emma, I didn't mean to get you in trouble." He whispered and Emma sighed.
"It's alright, not like you planned on my parents going crazy and grounding me."

David smiled thinking today was going to be a good day, despite the little ordeal with Emma. He was sure that they could do something fun as a family and put the whole ordeal behind them.

Then he rounded the corner and saw Emma on a bench, talking to some boy. It made his blood boil. Emma was way too young to be hanging around boys! He started towards his daughter guided by fury.

Emma smiled at bae as her cheeks flushed and her stomach twisted with knots. All she could think was this must be what love feels like. Then Baelfire yelped and dived under the bench and Emma turned and spotted her dad angrily walking towards them.
"Whoah there what's going on?" She asked and he scowled.

To Be Continued.....
Okay so first thing that picture up above is little Jennifer Morrison, I mean the actual her at age 13 I think

Also I was wondering if you'd all read a sequel to Mommy, Daddy I shrunked Emma
Because I was thinking of writing it since weird future thing is almost over and this one too so let me know if you would want that :)

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