Chapter 1: A New Threat

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Sauron sat on his throne in Barad Dur. He listened quietly as an orc captain gave his report about a small band of rebels his party had encountered a few days ago.

"We left none alive my lord, those who tried to escape were shot down by our archers." The orc reported sounding very pleased with himself. Yet his pleasure was short lived as a deep, dry voice shouted,
"You miserable filth! How are we supposed to find where the rebels are hiding if you keep killing all of them or letting them escape?"

The voice belonged not to Sauron, but to his most trusted servant who was only known as the Mouth of Sauron.

He continued his rage against the orc who now cowered in fear. Sauron watched in amusement.

"F-forgive me," the orc stammered, "w-we didn't know that we were to take prisoners!"

"Silence scum!" The Mouth hissed. "Leave now and do not think about returning unless you want your head rolling across the floor!"

The orc bowed clumsily and raced out of the throne room. 
"Miserable creatures," The Mouth spat, "they can do nothing right."

"They have their uses." Sauron said in a voice that seemed to shake the entire room. He rose from his throne and walked towards a door in the side of the throne room. "Yet if I am to have complete control over Middle Earth I will need something better than orcs to serve me."

The Mouth followed closely after his master.
"What do you have in mind my lord?"

Sauron led him into a room he had never been before. Inside were strange and frightening things that The Mouth could only describe as torturing devices. Sauron walked over to what appeared to be a small cell, there was no lock on it, so he wondered how it was to be opened.

Sauron held his hand up and whispered in the Black Speech.
The door slowly opened, and out came the last thing The Mouth expected to see.

"An elf? Where did you find an elf?" he asked dumbfounded.
It was like no other elf he had ever seen before. His hair was jet black and his clothes were just as dark, but the thing that nerved him most were the eyes.

They were a sharp, icy, blue that seemed to penetrate into his very soul.

"This," Sauron began, "Is what will help me be rid of the rebels."

The elf didn't move. He was at least a foot taller than the Mouth, and though he couldn't tell for certain, it seemed as though the elf possessed some sort of power. The dark elf held his hands behind his back and stared down at Sauron's servant with a smirk.

"I thought there were no more elves. Where did you find him?" The Mouth asked Sauron.

"That is none of your concern." A smooth voice responded coldly. The Mouth turned towards the elf. 

"Who are you to speak for Sauron?" he questioned.

"I am no one but a lowly elf, but if you should like to know, my name is Amarth."

"Amarth?" the Mouth of Sauron spat. "That is an elvish name."

"Do you know what it means?" Amarth asked and then answered before The Mouth had a chance to speak. "Doom."

"I know what it means." The Mouth hissed before turning to Sauron.
"How can this elf scum help with finding the rebels? Including Isildur's heir?"

"By actually leaving Mordor for once." Amarth replied smugly. "Of course, with the way your face is, I do not blame you for wanting to hide in your master's tower. It would be awful for Sauron's armies to fall dead from fright."

Sauron watched in more amusement as his servant snarled.

"He is far stronger and much smarter than any elf or orc that has ever walked this earth, ' Sauron informed The Mouth, "He will kill anyone I ask him to."

"Including you if my master wishes." Amarth smiled mischievously. "I wouldn't even need a weapon."

"Enough." Sauron interrupted before the Mouth could speak.
"I have something else to show you. Both of you."

Grudgingly the Mouth of Sauron followed with Amarth beside him.

Sauron led them, to both of their surprise, to the dungeons.
"Why are we here my lord?" the Mouth asked.

"I wanted to show you some prisoners of mine." he gestured for them to look into each of the four cells that were currently occupied.

The two walked over to the first one where a man lay unconscious. The Mouth recognized him immediately.
"Why would you keep him alive?" he asked in disgust.
"He thought he could oppose me. His pride led to the downfall of his people and all of Middle Earth. He will live with the burden of his mistake for the rest of his life."

They moved on to the next cell which had another man laying in it.
"I assume you have something planned for this one?"
The Mouth asked.
"Indeed." Sauron answered.

"Is this a child?" Amarth had moved on to the next cell and was curious about its inhabitant.

"It is not a child elf." The Mouth walked over and looked inside. "It is a halfling. A rather wretched one at that."

Amarth lost interest and moved to the last cell. Instead of its prisoner laying on the floor, it was strung up by the wrists with chains.

Amarth said nothing. He was not impressed, but the Mouth was. Turning to Sauron he asked,
"How did you find this one?"
The Mouth grinned, showing his disgusting black stained teeth.

Sauron glanced inside at the prisoner.
"That is best kept a secret. Perhaps you would like to remain here until he awakes?"

"Of course my lord." The Mouth replied bowing. Amarth watched the exchange in silence.

"Come Amarth," Sauron ordered, "I have a task for you." The elf followed quietly as Sauron led him away.

"What is so special about those prisoners?" he asked once they were out.

"Do not worry about them. They have their place in my plan. For now, I need you to kill a few orc captains for me."

Amarth's eyes lit up.
"When can I start?"


First chapter! What do you think? Does anyone like Amarth? He is my first (and possibly my last) OC.
More to come! Plz comment!

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