Why Is My Boyfriend Trying To Kill Me? (a complicated love story): Chapter 8

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"Alex....Alek?" I groaned, burying myself deeper into my covers.


There was a soft moan from beside me. My eyes snapped open. Alek had slept in my bed.

"Wow, guys. Sleeping in the same bed? You guys better not be naked under there!" Janie was practically yelling.

"Shut up." Alek said, pulling the covers over our heads.

Alek really slept in my bed. "So I'm guessing you guys are naked." Janie said.

I uncovered myself and sat up. "How the hell did you get in my house?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. I wanted to get back to sleeping....

Janie held up a silver key. "Your mom gave me a key before she left. I called you like ten times. But I could see why you wouldn't answer me. I wouldn't exactly answer my phone if I had someone like Alek-"

"Nothing was going on. He's not even supposed to be in my bed." He was supposed to leave after I fell asleep. Getting mad, I kicked his side. Hard. Alek fell to the floor, bringing my comforter with him.

He woke with a startled expression. "What the hell is wrong with you, stupid?" He asked.

I crossed my arms over my shoulders. "I'm not stupid. And you weren't supposed to sleep in my bed, pervert."

Alek eyed me suspiciously before noticing Janie. "When the hell did you get here? How'd you get in here?"

"Hey Alek. Stupid's mom gave me a key."

"I'm not stupid!"

"Whatever." Janie and Alek said together. They high-fived each other.

I frowned. These two were not good together. "So what are you doing here?" I asked her.

Her face brightned. "Well since you've been on house arrest and I haven't seen you in FOREVER....I was thinking we could do something today."

I bent down and pulled my comforter off of Alek, who pulled it back down, carrying me with it. My knee accidentally landed on his manhood. I smirked while he groaned, pushing me off him so he could cup his area. "Now you know not to do that." I said.

"You-are---the-devil." Alek said between gasps. His eyes started to water.

Janie and I erupted into a fit of laughter. Nothing entertained us more than a guy who got a good hit to the balls. Seeing a guy at his weakest was some how very amusing. "Aww baby, did you get hurt?" I asked innocently.

Alek glared at me, trying to get to his feet. "I'm fine."

"Let me take a look." Janie suggested, kneeling over Alek. He had fallen again.

"Really, I'm fine." He said a little stronger now.

"Well let Dr. Jay determine that." Before Alek could protest, Janie pulled his pants down.

I knew what she was up to. "Janie..." I gave her a reproachful look.

Janie gave me a sly smile. "I just want to see if he's alright."

Alek tried sitting up. "I'm good."

Before I had time to slap her hand away, Janie already had a handful of Alek's junk in her hand. I closed my eyes. Okay don't get me wrong it was pretty funny seeing Alek get a boner, but it was also cruel. He wasn't that bad of a guy.

"Oh, Alek. You dirty boy." Janie said, and she started laughing.

I opened my eyes and Alek was glaring at the both of us. "I hate you guys." He said before covering himself with my comforter. "Grandma, prudes, my mom..." He started rubbing his temples.

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