1. Boy meets Girl

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Hello citizens of the world!  Just a quick author's note!  Although it says Boy meets Girl, this is going to be in the GIRL's point of view for this part of the book unless I tell you otherwise!  I might be adding a second half to the book that is all the BOY's point of view, but those chapters with be marked as "Yadda yadda chapter name 2.0"  Alright, enjoy!


I was walking in the park that day.  Nothing around me alerted me that something strange was going to happen, so I was taken totally unaware when I tripped over my own feet, fell, and dropped my burrito.  Sploosh!  Burrito innards were all over the sidewalk and grass.  As I tried to stand up, I realized they were all over my shirt and hands too.  Groaning, I bent down and wiped my hands on the grass as best I could before wiping them on my jeans the rest of the way.  I had stray bits of grass sticking to my fingers in the most annoying way ever, but I tried to ignore it as I picked up the sad remains of my lunch and walked to the nearest trash can.  Pausing for a minute with my burrito held over the trash, I said a brief farewell in my mind before sending the food to a smelly grave.  Sighing, I continued on my trek home-wards, through the park, across several streets, and into my little apartment where I lived alone.  

At the edge of the park, near the gate that marked the entrance and exit, I noticed a man around my age standing really uncomfortably close to a tree, looking up into the branches.  His chest was literally pressed against the side of the tree, and I reflected on how that couldn't have been comfortable.  But then again, I had burrito guts on my shirt, I shouldn't be talking.  Since I was so curious it itched, or maybe that was the bean and cheese cooling on my shirt, I moved closer to the tree and the strange man.  Soon, I was close enough to hear what he was saying.  Except he wasn't saying anything.  He was just staring up the tree trunk.  Stealthily, I maneuvered around trees and bushes until my back was pressed against the opposite side of his tree.  Slowly, I craned my neck to the side.  He hadn't moved.  I inched a closer.  No noticeable movement.  Wait!  Was that a blink?  I stared, but he didn't still move.  After a full twenty minutes of us staring, him up the tree and me at him, I realized that I was supposed to be getting home.  I quietly moved away from the tree, so I didn't disturb the man at whatever he was doing.  After getting a whole foot away after five minutes, I decided slow motion was not a good way to get away.  Turning, I managed one half step forward before I saw it.  Movement.  From by the tree.  

In an instant, I was back to my post, staring at the man as he stared at the oak.  Actually, I wasn't all that sure it was an oak, but I didn't really know anymore tree names.  Two minutes passed, and I could hear my watch ticking as I waited.  My eyes started to close as the staring became too much.   The sounds of birds chirping filled my ears, along with the chattering of a squirrel.  The breeze skipped across my skin, cold, but after it came a warm breath.  Shocked, I opened my eyes.  Looking into them were the brown eyes I had been staring at for the past twenty-five minutes.

"Hello!" I said, my voice coming out cheery and slightly loud compared to the peacefulness of the park.  

"Hello," he replied amicably, with a voice smooth as silk.  Not that it was girly like silk is.  It just sounded like it would be silk if his voice was a cloth.  Not that I knew much about cloth.  He said nothing more, just began to stroll away.  The he turned around so casually it took me a few seconds to realize he was coming back.  Soon he was standing right in front of me.

He seemed to be in shape, but not the type of guy that spends time at a gym.  He had brilliant brown eyes and his nose turned up ever so slightly, but not noticeably unless you were standing really close.  His skin was very tan, so I figured he must spend a lot of time outside.  It was fall and slightly chilly, but he was wearing a blue short sleeve T-shirt and some khaki shorts.  His brown hair was styled like Logan Lerman's in that crappy Percy Jackson movie.  Normally, I wouldn't think anyone else could pull off that look, but it definitely was working for this guy.

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