escape to fate

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"What are you guys doing out?" Crawford asked.

"Bathroom?" I asked. Then the alarm went off.

Actually we need to find Teresa. So we took the Crawford lady going down the hallway while looking for Teresa. Soon a guy was chasing after us shooting.

"Stay where you are!"

"Why are they shooting at us?" We ran around the corner but Minho stopped and turned around.

"Minho. What the hell are you doing?
Minho!" Thomas yelled.

"Minho no!" I yelled running after him. Minho attack the guy with the gun and he fell against the wall. Thomas grabs his gun and we take off running again.

"Okay. Let's go."

"Dr. Crawford. Are you here to. Wait, whoa whoa. Okay, okay." One of the workers said.

"Where is she? Where is she? Get down!" Thomas aims the gun at the people. For some reason it doesn't feel right.

"Get back!" Minho takes the gun as he pulls the curtain back finding Teresa.

"Just do as he says. Give me your hands!" Newt wraps everyone's hands up so they couldn't move.

"You're never going to get away with this." The worker said.

"We just want to get out. We don't wanna be here." I said.

"Guys, they're coming. Where do we go?" Fry watches out the door.

"Frypan, move." Newt flips a table over pushing it towards the door.

"Get back. Get back!" Minho pushes us back holding the gun up.

"We got to get out of here! Where do we go? We're seal in!" We all back up against the window. As the guards push against the door.

Thomas pick up a chair and throws it at the glass window but it does not break. Some of the guards are half way through the door. Both Thomas and Newt pick up a chair and throwing it at the window busting open the glass as we all jump out and start running again.

"Hurry! Go! Come on. Come on. Thomas!" Minho yells throwing the gun to Thomas.

"Let's go! Stay behind me. Oh, shit.
Come on!" Thomas opens the door revealing a person. He shoots the person without hesitating and run. I sneak up to the guy taking the little gun he had strapped to his belt sliding it into my pocket.

"There it is. There it is Come on." We get to the end of the hall. And Thomas pulls out a guard card ID.

"Shit. Come on. No, no, no!" It wont open the door.

"Thomas!" Janson has a few people behind him.

"Open the door, Janson!" Thomas yells holding the gun to them.

"You really don't want me to." Janson hold his hands up.

"Open the damn door!" Thomas cocks the gun.

"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your life. The Maze is one thing, but you kids wouldn't last 1 day out in Scorch.
If the elements don't kill you, the Cranks will. Thomas, you have to believe me. I only want what's best for you." Thomas walks further down the hallway and stops a few feet away from Janson.

"Yeah, let me guess. WCKD is good?"

"You're not getting through that door, Thomas." Just then the door opens showing Aris and Winston.

"Hey, guys." Aris says. Everyone walks through the door but Thomas and I.

"Come on! Thomas, come on! Let's go!" Newt pulls me through the door as we call for Thomas.

"Tommy!" I yell for him. Thomas starts shooting the gun. Throwing it on the ground he took off running towards us.

"Go go go. Stop him! Shut the main corridor door! Shut the main corridor door!" Janson yells.

"Come on! Run! Thomas, come on! Come on, Thomas!" We yelled for him as the doors start to shut. He slides under the door and it seals shut.

"Aris what are you doing?" I asked as he destroys the machine that lays next to the doors.

"Making sure they can't get through."

"Come on, keep moving!" Thomas yells as we run. We head towards the doors as Thomas opens them. It was a storm alright. But we kept running. I put my hand in front of my face to shield it so the sand wouldn't get in my eyes.

"Keep going! Go, we'll lose them in the storm." Thomas yelled. We ran up a hill. We all hid under a pile of sand as the guards searched for us.

"Stay low! Stay low! Teresa, hang on." Thomas yelled.

"I think we lost them." Minho shouted.

"Newt!" I looked for him in out little group.

"Right here love." I felt a hand grab my shoulder as I turned around and hugged him.

"Come on, keep going! Come on, guys. Let's go. Watch out!" I grabbed Newts hand and ran down a hill hitting a small torn down building.

"Where are we even going?" Minho sassed.

"Get inside. Go. Here, get in." We went into the building looking around for life.

"You alright?" Newt hugs me.

"Yes. Are you?" I look up at him

"Yes." He smiles.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho shined the flashlight.

"We got to go. Look, we got to go." Thomas said.

"Thomas, stop! Tell me what's going on." Teresa asked.

"It's WCKD. It's WCKD. They lied to us, we never escaped. Ember, Aris and I found bodies. Mid air were strung bodies. Too many to count." Thomas looked at everyone.

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho shivered.

"No, but they weren't alive either. They have them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. They're being... They're being drain. There's something inside of us that WCKD wants. Something in our blood. So we have to get as far away from them as possible."

"Okay. So, what's the plan?" Newt wrapped his arms around me.

"You do have a plan, right?" Newt questioned.

"Yeah." Thomas replied not so convincing.

"Well, we followed you out here, Thomas. Now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing?" Newt ranted.

"Shh. Its alright." I tried to calm him down.

"No its not Em. We need protection from them." He rubbed his temple.

"Wait. Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army." Aris asserted.

"The Right Arm." I breathed.

"The Right Arm. If they're really against WCKD, maybe they can help us. People." Thomas suggested.

"In the mountains. Mountain people That's your plan?" Newt huffed.

"It's the only chance we have."

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