I walked out of the house with some money in my pocket then. I'm not sure what exactly I'll be doing but having money is always a good thing. "Hello there, Kisha." A timid voice said. I turned to see Hinata, wearing the outfit that I assume is her usual ninja outfit. "Hey there, Hinata!" I spoke with light joy. Hinata smiled to me. "How are you?" She asked, politely. I shrugged. "So and so. And you?" She began walking next to me, to our random destination. "Very well. How did your mission with N-Naru-ruto go?" I laughed quietly to myself. "'Course you still stutter when Naruto's the topic." Hinata's face blasted red. "Wha-What!? No! O-Of course not!" I laughed a bit louder. "You proved my point! No worries, I won't tell." Hinata's red face went down to pink. "Thank you.."

"So how did the mission go?" She asked, getting back to her topic. "Ah well... I guess it went well." Hinata's face twisted in concern. "Did anyone get hurt?" My hand automatically went to my arm. It had healed well, but the faint pain still ached when I was reminded of it. "You were hurt!?" Hinata's voice going higher with worry. "What? Nah, I'm fine." I lied lightly making Hinata stare at me with even more worry. " You shouldn't lie to your teammate..." I kept walking with a sigh. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry. I didn't get hurt too bad." Hinata gave me a little nod. "Okay.." "So, have you seen Naruto yet?" And back came the blush to her face. "Y-yes." I chuckled. "He got hot, right?" 

"K-KISHA!?" Hinata nearly screamed. I laughed gave her a playful push. "Calm down! He's all yours, so as long as you go for it." Hinata looked away. "Right-" "Hey! What are you two talking about!?" That obnoxious voice yelled. I sweat dropped looking to Kiba and Akamaru. "Can you not speak normally?" "WOOF! WOOF! " Akamaru barked happily. My drop of sweat went even lower. "Seriously, Akamaru you're so different." Kiba jumped in front of me. "What about me!? I got hot, didn't I?" I crossed my arms with that stupid heat rushing to my cheeks. "No. Naruto's hotter than you." Kiba took a step back offended. "Y-YEAH RIGHT!!" I grinned. "Hinata will vouch for me on that." 

"Eh?!" Hinata squeaked out. "Well yeah, she does lo-" "I HAVE TO GO! GOOD BYE!" She quickly bowed and rushed off, not letting Kiba finish his sentence. He raised his eye brows. "Something I said?" I face palmed. "No, of course not. " Sarcasm dripped from my words. "Thought so! Oh well!" His grin faded as Akamaru barked to him. "But Ki just said it wasn't what I said-" "WOOF!! WOOF! " Kiba fell over. "Boy, who's side are you on?!" I petted Akamaru with a smile. "I have no idea what you said to him but good job!" Akamaru whined happily. "Gah whatever!" Kiba said, hopping back to his feet. I sent Kiba and Akamaru a little smile. "Well I'm going to get going." 

Kiba groaned. "Where too? We never hang out anymore!" "I have to go meet someone." It wasn't a lie. I was missing Shikamaru, so why not go meet up with him? "Is that why you have your hair done all pretty and stuff?" Kiba grinned to me. "Wha-? I! I not-! It's-" I stuttered out, trying to find the right words. "You're terrible at taking compliments." Kiba laughed.  "I'll see you another time then." 

"Yeah, yeah.. See you later." "Yeah... Bye then." Kiba looked to me with some emotion. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was... Longing. But... That's only if I didn't know any better. Kiba and Akamaru walked off leaving me alone again. I continued walking, putting my senses to work and letting my feet lead the way. After a couple minutes of walking Shikamaru came into sight.

He was with Asuma and facing away from me. Asuma, looking the same as ever with a cigarette in hand, grinned. "I should be going now." Shikamaru scratched the back of his neck. "Huh? Why?" Asuma looked past Shikamaru to me, making Shikamaru turn around. "Akisha! You're back from the mission?" Shikamaru asked, pacing over to me. "Yep!" I answered, a bubbly feeling in me just from seeing Shikamaru. "So yeah, nice seeing you Kisha, bye!" Asuma called over with a grin before walking off. 

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