"Is that why you wanted this lunch?"

She nodded, "You are being ridiculous with this."

This is getting annoying. She doesn't know anything that has happened. I shook my head, "You have no idea what I've been living with. You have no idea how terrible he is."

"He treated you so well. What are you talking about?"

"He's an asshole. I've been abused since I've moved in with him. He raped me if I didn't want sex. He's said so many terrible things to me even when you all were around. He just whispered them. Everything you thought about us was fake. He was even cheating on me."

"Ashlyn, you really shouldn't be lying about these kinds of things."

"I'm not lying. If none of those things happened I would still be with him. I wouldn't have left him for Harry."

She rolled her eyes, "How long was your affair with Harry before you and Adam broke up?"

"I don't know. Maybe a month."

"You really need to get your life together. You should just drop your charges on him and let things get back to how they were. You just need to stop messing around with Harry. I'm sure you don't even really have feelings for him yet."

"You really know nothing about that. I'm not getting back with Adam. I love Harry. I'm not leaving him for Adam."

"You can't possibly love him already."

"Well I do."

Before she could say anything I stood up, "I knew this was a bad idea."

I walked out. I noticed the waiter walking towards that table. I really don't care. I can't deal with anymore. This should be about what makes me happy. I am finally happy. I walked out to my car and started driving. I called Harry as I drove home. He answered after a few rings, "Is everything alright, love?"

He sounds kind of concerned. I can't help but smile a little. No ones really been like that with me before. "I'm fine. I'm on my way home and was wondering if you wanted anything to eat."

"Yeah. I haven't moved from the bed yet."

I smiled, "I guess you don't really have to move out of bed anymore."

"True. I didn't expect your lunch to be over so soon."

"I'll tell you about that when I get there."

"Okay, love. Be careful."

I can't help but smile hearing that, "I will. I love you."

"I love you."

I hung up the phone as I pulled up to a drive thru line. I really just want to get this food and get home to Harry. What even happened with my mother just annoyed me. I'm sure I'm officially disowned. I'm fine with it. I'm happy now. That's what matters to me. I don't care about the whole money thing. I make my own. My dance studio is doing surprisingly well for just opening it a little over a year ago. I love it but I love being able to spend more time with Harry now. 

It didn't take me very long to get us each something to eat and getting home. I noticed his car was still there. I guessed that it would be since he told me on the phone that he hasn't even moved out of bed yet. I grabbed it all before walking inside. I didn't hear anything down here. All I could hear was the TV coming from upstairs. I know he's still in bed. I don't mind. He deserves it after yesterday. I'm not one of those girlfriends that nags their boyfriends about doing that. I know Harry has enough to deal with. I walked up to our bedroom and noticed that he was still laying exactly where he was when I left. I handed him his drink and food before softly pecking his lips. He grabbed my hand with a slight smirk on his face, "Why don't you take off your clothes and join me back in bed?"

I smiled a little bit, "Why?"

"Why not? I still haven't put my clothes on yet and we're the only ones here. I promise no one else is going to see you, love." 


He squeezed my hand before pulling it away. I could feel him looking at me as I undressed before moving under the blanket next to him. I softly pecked his lips, "I love you."

He smiled, "I love you. Do you want to talk about things?"

I nodded, "I want to eat first."

He moved some of my hair, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"I do. I just want to eat first because I'm hungry."

He nodded, grabbed the food out of the bag for the both of us. Honestly it's nice being able to lay here naked while eating in bed. I've never done this with anyone before. It's a nice change. I'm so comfortable with Harry though. Hopefully we can start doing things like this more often. I'm sure we can. We not have to be somewhere every morning anymore. I'm glad that we don't anymore. The dance competition wasn't really fun anymore. It just became more of hiding our relationship. I would rather stay in bed in the mornings with him. We can joke around without someone just yelling at us. I'm sure a part of that was the fact that he's friends with Adam. I just want completely away from the entire Adam situation. I guess I am now. Especially with the fact that I have a restraining order against him. I'm happy about it since he really has to stay away from me. Harry won't let him around either way. He knows everything that happened. Well I guess not every single time anything happened. I can't even remember it all. There's just a few times that really just stuck out. I'm sure I'll never forget them. At least when I'm around Harry I don't think about it. I know I don't have to worry about any of that happened when I'm with him. He makes me feel safe which is something I didn't feel for a long time before he came in my life. 

As I finished up eating I felt him softly kiss my neck. I can't help but smile. I love it when he does things like this. He hid his face into the crock of my neck, putting his hand on my leg as ate my last few bites. As soon as I was done I placed a hand on top of mine. I felt him smile into my neck before pulling away, "Are you ready to talk, love?"

I nodded, "I just knew how she was going to be. I shouldn't have even gone."

He looked at me confused, "What was she doing?"

"I knew she would be upset with me and try and get me to get back together with Adam."

"Is that exactly what she did?"

I nodded, "She kept telling me I need to just forget about everything that happened and drop the charges against him then things can just go back to how they used to be."

"Did you tell her anything that he used to do to you?"

"She didn't seem to care about that. She just kept telling me that I need to get back together with him. I guess she doesn't care about how happy I am with you."

He softly pecked my lips, "I'm sure she'll come around to it, love."

"Probably not. I really don't care if her or my dad even want to be a part of my life anymore."

He looked at me a little concerned, "Are you sure about that?"

I nodded, "I mean if she can't accept the fact that I've never been happier than I am now with you and all she can think about is money then I don't need her or my dad around."

"They're mainly upset over the money thing then?"

I nodded, "They're really snobby. They mainly care about the amount of money a person has not how amazing someone can be."

"Well if they never come around again just know I'm still going to be here with you."

I can't help but smile hearing that. I've never had anyone say anything like that to me. Not even my parents. I softly pecked his lips, "I love you."

He moved some of my hair, "I love you so much. I'll always be here for you."

Something tells me that he's not lying. It's nice feeling that way. Maybe he'll be the one person that doesn't leave me. I really hope not. I love him more than I ever thought I could. For some reason I want to spend the rest of my life with him even though we've only been together for a little bit. 

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