Character Description

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Full name : Jadeite Sylvan
Nickname : Jade
Origin : Stanar Region
Title : Single

Species : Human
Race : Japanese
Ethnicity : Japan
Skin tone : Light brown
Complexion : Light complexion
Eye Colour : Pale green
Hair colour : Light brown with aqua marine/teal streaks
Hairstyle/Texture : Silky, straight
Height : 155 cm
Weight : 50 kg
Scars : None

Gender : Female
Real Age : 13
Birthday : February 24

Accessories : A bracelet with a single jade hanging (created by herself) and black glasses when reading
Clothes :
Normal - Has one black, white piercings on her right and left ear. She wears a red and black striped vest with a white undershirt, a simple black skirt, two white belts hang from her waist with one holding two bottles of healing potions, and the other belt has one with a red and white pokedex hanging from it. She usually wears a plain black jacket and white knee length stockings. She wears this with black sneakers.

When staying at others houses - She is sometimes seen wearing a blue shorts with a white shirt and over it is a black sweater, she wears this with black boots.

Winter - Jade sometimes ties her hair up in fishtail braid, she's usually wears a plain blue jean jacket, grey button up shirt and black jeans with simple white flats.

Makeup: None
Grooming : Well-kept
Trinkets : Bag that keeps potions
Posture : Straight back, well postured
Gait : Swift
Habits : Twirls hair when lying or nervous

Language : Fluent Japanese, English, Mandarin
Greetings and Farewells : Bows or nods slightly
Laughter : High-pitched and sounds like bells

First impression : Cold, rude, quick to reply, distant
Stranger impression : quiet, shy, nervous
Friendly impression : smart, witty
Self-impressions : dumb, horrible, naive

Blood type : O
Preferred hand : Right hand
Health : very healthy
Memory : can remember every little detail and remembers them for an extremely long time
Phobias : fear of being alone

Siblings : lone child
Parents : Only her mother, her father is a caught criminal and currently in jail
Family : Mother and soon-to-be-her-Pokémon Chimchar
Pet peeves : trainers who are either weak or horrible to their Pokémon
Beliefs : none at all
Closest hobby : talking with her Pokémon
Strengths : calm under pressure, quick thinker that makes the right decisions
Instincts : to be alone if she can

Full name : Nephrite Prase
Nickname : Nite
Origin : Stanar Region
Title : Single

Species : Human
Race : Japanese
Ethnicity : Japan
Skin tone : Light brown
Complexion : Light complexion
Eye Colour : Deep and solid green colour with a hint of yellow
Hair colour : Black
Hairstyle/Texture : Rough
Height : 171 cm
Weight : 60 kg
Scars : None

Gender : Male
Real Age : 14
Birthday : September 18th

Accessories : bracelet with a small diamond, although he rarely wears it
Clothes :
Normal - He wears a short sleeved black and white stripped buttoned shirt with a pale blue zipper coat that is rolled at the elbows. The left coat sleeve has a stripe of red, while the other has a white stripe. He wears navy pants with the front pockets outlined with yellow string. His brown ankle boots have grey laces at the front, and a black bag is strapped across his body, with the Pokémon symbol sewed on with white string containing all his PokéBalls and potions.

Winter - He is seen wearing a black beanie on his messy hair, a brown fur buttoned coat with cream fur surrounding the hoodie, with pure white pants and black sneakers with dark purple laces.

Makeup: None
Grooming : Sometimes messy, sometimes well-kept.
Trinkets : backpack full of potions
Posture : sometimes slouches, most time he keeps a straight back
Gait : Strong
Habits : Tends to be overprotective.

Language : Fluent Japenese, English and French
Greetings and Farewells : He gives a polite hello and waves or handshakes goodbye.
Laughter : Medium tone, sometimes goes higher when he finds it too funny.

Blood type : AB
Preferred hand : right
Health : very healthy
Memory : He can remember very well, however he doesn't pay much attention to detail but he can still remember for a long time.
Fears : Has a fear of losing someone

Siblings : three siblings, two sisters and one brother
Parents : He lives with his grandfather, while his parents and mother work.
Family : Grandfather and two sisters
Pet peeves : People who give up after the first try
Beliefs : none
Closest hobby : Writing & Debating
Strengths : Thinks before he speaks, knows what to do in difficult situations and knows how to avoid
Instincts : think of others before himself

Brief Region Description
New Region - Stanar Region (star and lunar)
Description - Famous for having many solar and lunar eclipse. Comets may also be seen commonly. Pokémon are able to learn 6 moves instead of 4. Any Pokémon from other regions will be granted permission to learn two other attacks.
Evil teams - Team Lunar (Water) and Team Solar (Fire)

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