Off To Hogwarts We Go

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  • Zadedykowane All you wonderful people!

A/N: OMFG I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!! 300 READS AND COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!! 6 VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVES YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Cassie's POV:

(Bet you weren't expecting that now were you?)

Ok, that was weird. First off, Percy practically reads Chiron's mind. Then it sinks in that we're going to have to fight the freaking godly, all-powerful personification of the SKY. THE SKY!!!! The Giant War had just ended 2 MONTHS AGO!!! And now we have to fight the SKY!!!!! The only good thing in this whole situation is that there's a whole new group of crazy magic people to hang out with. That'll be interesting. Although Chiron gave me, The Seven, Rachel, Grover, Connor, and Travis Stoll scrolls as big as my thigh. That should be fun to read. I was flipping through and apparently it talks about "The Second Wizarding War" and a guy named Harry Potter and his friends fighting some Dark wizard named "Lord Voldemort". Silly name if you ask me. But apparently we have to leave tomorrow at the unholy buttcrack of dawn, so that left all of us going to Hogwarts packing for a six-month trip to England. Percy was just throwing all his stuff into his suitcase, and I was following his lead. "So what do you think we're going to do?", I asked.

"Absolutely no clue whatsoever. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you just flipped through that stupid scroll too?" Said Percy with a smirk, "Like half-brother, like half-sister?"

I laughed. "You bet."

Just then Annabeth walked in, gave Percy a peck on the cheek, and asked "You guys all packed?"

"Yep", I answered, popping the "p". "Is everybody else packing too?"

Annabeth nodded, saying " That, or packed already"

Just then, the conch blew for dinner. Percy threw the last of his stuff in his suitcase, walked up to Annabeth and gave her a kiss on the lips. He gave her a cheeky grin and asked "Take me to dinner?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and said "C'mon Seaweed Brain!", walking out the door. Percy and I followed right behind her.


Next Morning, Unholy, Godsforsaken, Buttcrack Of Dawn

Cassie's POV:

Getting up at the unholy, godsforsaken, buttcrack of dawn is so much fun.

Especially when you've got a grumpy Percy combined with the Stolls.

Without going into too many gruesome details, it took an hour, some sharp knives, a lot of blood, and even more ambrosia and nectar to get ready to go. Percy and Annabeth were on Blackjack, (obviously) the Stolls were on Guido, Jason and Piper were on Tempest, Frank and Hazel were on Arion, Rachel and Grover were on Luigi, and Leo and I were on Porkpie. Our luggage (and weapons) had been sent ahead of us with a message for the headmistress. We called roll, then lifted off into the sky, headed towards Hogwarts.


Harry's POV:

Professor McGonagall then had the entire school drain out onto the front lawn to wait for the demigods. After about an hour, people started getting restless. Then, a Hufflepuff third year pointed to the sky and yelled, "What's that dark shape in the sky?"

A Slytherin seventh year snorted. "A bird, you dolt!"

But the dark shapes had become too large to be birds. What could they be? Suddenly, the sky darkened, lightning flashed, and I heard several heavy thumps. Most definitely too large too be birds. At last, the sky cleared, and what I saw astonished me. Hermione sucked in a sharp breath and whispered to Ron and I, "They're pegasi! I thought they were extinct!"

"Apparently not.", I replied.

Suddenly, the two people on the forward-most pegasus, a black stallion, dismounted and walked over to Professor McGonagall. A blonde girl asked her something quietly, and she nodded, pointing to Hagrid's hut. A boy with black hair whispered something else to her, and her eyes widened. She nodded her assent (for what I wasn't sure) and the black-haired boy walked back over to the pegasi. He got down on his knees next to his pegasus, put his right hand on the ground and closed his eyes, his brow furrowed in concentration. All this time, the people on the three other pegasi hadn't said a word. He got up, walked back over to the blondie and the Professor, who were still talking together. He said something, and the blonde nodded. He walked back over to his pegasus, and simply looked us all over. He was tall and tanned, with sea-green eyes and messy, jet-black hair. I was fairly certain the girls were drooling over his muscles. Hermione certainly was. Suddenly, a thunderous BOOM rang through the grounds, knocking everybody on their backs. The people on the pegasi, however, just continued looking us over, barely stirred by the blast. Not five seconds afterwards, a handsome dun stallion and an odd-looking horse that seemed to be made out of dark clouds, lightning, and rain trotted up to the pegasi. On the stormy horse, a boy with blond hair was sitting in front of a sick-looking girl with choppy brown hair. One strand was braided with a feather dangling off the end. On the dun stallion, a girl with coffee-brown skin and hair to match sat in front of a very queasy looking Asian boy with a black buzz cut. The black-haired boy walked over to them and quietly spoke with them. The blonde boy and black girl nodded, and all four people dismounted. The brown-haired girl's legs buckled immediately, but the blonde boy caught her. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. She pulled herself up and leaned against him. He patted the storm horse on the back, and it raced back into the forest. The people on the 3 pegasi also dismounted. The handsome stallion and all the pegasi trotted into the woods, while the new arrivals started walking up to the castle. Professor McGonagall faced the rest of the school and shouted, "All students please return to their dormitories. Class has been cancelled for the day."


A/N: Whew, that was a long one! Thank you for being so patient, and keep on lovin' HP and PJ!

Disclaimer: All I own is the plot and Cassie.

The Great War: A Harry Potter and Percy Jackson CrossoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz