I think I could spend forever in her arms...

As the night grew on she left finally. I laid in my bed, recalling what had happen before she left... she asked me questions. She asked who done this to me..

" Emma can you please tell me who did this to you...?" Her voice was soft.

I did not want to lie... but I felt I had to...

I told her I was attacked in the alley close by my house. At first she did not looked convinced, but she finally gave in. She told me she would find the ones who did this and they should be punished.

I can myself grimace at the memory.

I lied to the only one who actually cared...

The next time I saw the Queen, it was the day after.

I woke up that morning, shivering. I was on the ground; I was stripped in only a thin shirt and pants.

The door slammed again that night, but from my mother this time. Her drunken glazed over eyes, stared angrily into mine..

" Emma!" She screamed at me. Her voice had the usual slur.

She walks towards me, pulling me by the shirt and pushing me against the wall. I flinch at the rough contact against my back.

She pointed to the floor boards, which were still soaked with dirty foot prints.

" I supply so much for you! .. and THIS is how you repay me!" Her left hand comes up above my head, slamming itself against my cheek. The hit stung my cheek. I move to move my hand up to cradle my cheek, but she just grabs my hands down and forcefully holds them against the wall.

Her sharp nails dig into my wrist, causing me to flinch.

She looks at the fear in my eyes and smirks darkly at that.

" Get into your room Emma." She growls.

I stay unmoving, as she is still pinning me down.

She grabs roughly onto my hair, and drags me into my room. Throwing me into it.

She starts chucking.

She reaches into my room and takes my woolen blankets and shawl.

" I hope you freeze." She growls at me.

I trace over my cheek at the memory, wincing slightly as I run over bruised flesh.

The sun light shines through the cracks of the corners of the boarded up window.

The bedroom door bounding open makes me stagger farther against the wall. Mother. Her face has a wicked smirk..
What is she doing home...

She walks into the room, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out the door. I stagger behind her, losing my balance as she pushes me against the wall.

I can hear the horse hooves from outside..

Is it already that late?

The horse hooves sound closer. Until they come to a complete stop.

My Mother's right hand goes straight to my throat, choking me instantly. Her left hand wraps around my forearm.

I gasp for breath, she keeps squeezing tighter.

I know The Queen has to be outside the door.

My vision starts to go dark, and my lungs tighten.

I am going to die If she does not stop now..

Looking towards the door, I can see 2 visible feet outside from under the small gap below the door.

Change of HeartKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat