Chapter 9

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"There. Now you look good just for your first date!" Mother said in pure happiness. "I can't believe you finally began to get interest in Neru!"

I sighed hopelessly and repeated for the what seemed like the millionth time. "Mother, I said it's only just a free time to spend in and I don't like her. I'm doing this because it's at least better than being annoyed by you all the time." I muttered. Father patted me by the back and laughed. "Hey, no need to be so shy! Being so shy and embarrassed for your first love is just normal--"

"I told you two, I'm NOT in love with her!! She's ugly, annoying and so weird that I'm worrying about my future being married to her!!" I exploding. "And would you marry Mother if she looked like Neru, Father??" Father turned red as Mother gave him a look and said. "No."

"Exactly!! And what the heck is this name 'Neru'?? It sounds like a name for a dog." I yelled walking around waving my fists everywhere and stamping my feet. "And why are you two telling me to marry someone so ugly and weird? Do you not know how I feel? It feels horrible and I don't want to be stuck with her with the rest of my life!!"

"OK, OK, OK! Sorry!" Father interrupted waving his hands at me to calm down. "Anyway, the carriage has arrived and she's here. So, you two are going to go hang out at Neru's place, right? Well, good luck! I mean---'good luck' in not a romantic cheering way."

I just rolled my eyes and muttered going out of the house as they both followed after me. "Have fun! But at least make her feel comfy and happy!" Mother yelled as I went into the carriage and sat the opposite across Neru who just gave me one of those cheeky smiles. "So, are you happy?" She asked. I turned pink in the cheek and looked away. "Does it look I am?" I harshly scold. "Besides, it's not like I ever wanted to come over....I'm only using up my free time to go for a chat."

Neru just laughed at me as she sat back, making me turn furiously red from embarrassment and want to punch her in the face just to shut her mouth up. "You're a really grumpy guy, but you're just--" "GRR, just shut the hell up!"

When we got to her house, I stormed into the house as Neru just kept on holding in her giggle from me. Only if I could just pick her up and throw her into my royal butcher's meat mincer or something and hear her screams and record it for a afternoon music..... "Ah, Len, you're here! How was your day today? You don't look very happy...." I looked up to see Mr Akita just ready to leave for something, so I gave a sigh and said. "No, I'm fine. Just tired from works to be signed."

"Hm, just expected by our Prince of our country. You'd be great to be a King." He joked. "Well, I'll be out for my work and won't be back until midnight, I'm afraid. But I say, you are just busier than I am."

"Please, tell me about it~~" I murmured rubbing my neck.

A maid in grey hair came towards us and bowed. "Miss, the tea has been set." Neru nods at her and says. "You can have a rest and a day off. I'm sure your husband and child are awaiting." I watched as the maid looked glad and thanked Neru, before she walked out the door. That kind of makes me feel regretful....

"Len? Len??"

I snapped out of it and acted as if nothing happen. "Oh yes?" I asked. Neru gave a giggle and said. "Tea time!" I turned pink and nodded, as I followed after her onto the garden outside. "The outside, huh?" I murmured. Neru turned pink too and said. "I thought you would like it again if we had our tea outside on the glass house....After all, it's a beautiful nice day to be in a happy mood and look at flowers and the view!" I couldn't help but give a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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