Somehow (Paul imprint story) Ch 8

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Mavis’s POV

Still in a daze, I felt an urgent tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Aidan, eyes wide and mouth hanging. If I could have moved my arm, I would have slammed his mouth shut.

“Mavis...Come on...we have to go.” Aidan rushed out in a whisper, tugging on my arm impatiently.

“I...St-top...” I managed to mutter out before my world went blank.

Aidan’s POV


“Mavis! What? Wake up.” I whispered desperately.

I grabbed her right hand but found it limped. I sighed in frustration and tried to drag her back to the car with me. But it’s almost impossible to lift her back along with her suitcase and a broken arm to mend.

I looked up and saw that another giant wolf had joined in the battle with the silvery one.

Well, I will leave that up to you, big boys...

Searching for a ‘safer’ area than this opened fighting zone, I placed Mavis down on the ground gently and wheeled her suitcase to a well-hidden bush that’s quite distinct from this.

“Wait a second, Mavis. Just let me deal with your stuff first. I am sure those big boys over that won’t harm you...” I mumbled, collecting Mavis’s belongings that was scattered all over the floor. “Yet...”

Paul’s POV

You finish him off, Jared. I will get the girl...She saw everything...

I growled as I gave that pale blood-sucker a last kick.

No problem, Paul. Sam will have some explaining to do soon.

I nodded briefly and went to phase behind a tree. The pack has been chasing this leech for awhile; he was always wandering around La Push, searching for his next prey.

I made my way towards the brown-hair girl who was lying lifelessly on the dirt. Making sure that the other guy was not here before lifting the brunette up. As my skin came into contact with the girl, a spark travelled up my spine. My body was suddenly tinged with warm and fuzziness.

“Ugh...What happened now?”

I let out a groan and tighten my arm around the unconscious girl, speeding up to get us to Sam’s house quicker.

Aidan’s POV

“Mavis?” I shouted, “Are you okay? You awake?”

Mavis disappeared once again and this time with that broken arm of hers. I sighed in defeat and laid down on the wet soil.

Wait a second...How about those big horse-sizes wolves?

I jumped up so quickly that I almost lost my balance. Hoping that Mavis wasn’t taken by one of them, I then began to search franticly for those canines.

“Mavis? Where are you?” I yelled as I wandered again through the deep forest of La Push. I also noticed that the wolves were no longer there.

For the next 5 minutes, I searched everywhere for Mavis but stopped to collect her stuff and placed them back in my cars.

You may be back yet but I am sure you will need your clothes...Or more like, your IPod...

I locked the car boot and returned to where I found Mavis, recording the image I saw.

Mavis with her arm...

The wolves...

And...Something seemed to be missing there, but I can’t exactly set my mind on it...

A man...with pale skin. A pale white man was in the middle of the fight...

If it was so, then where’s the man now? Where’s Mavis and more importantly, where are the wolves?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I couldn’t hear my name being called until I felt someone touched my shoulder. I turned, believing that it was Mavis who finally came back.

But to my disappointment, it was a young man with a tan, fit body.

“Hi, I’m Jared.”

I watched suspiciously as he stuck his hand out.

“Aidan.” I muttered and carelessly slammed my hand against his warm one.

Very, very warm one.

“Whoa, got a temperature there?”

Jared smiled sheepishly and nodded.

Paul’s POV

“Sam!” I yelled as I rushed through the door and gently placed the girl on the couch.

“What happened?” Emily asked and quickly came with a towel. She dabbed it on the girl’s face with was covered with brown soft curls. Emily pushed the hair away from the girl’s face and I felt yet another tingle inside my heart.

No way...

Before me, laid the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her face was peaceful and although at times her brows were knitted with pain and discomfort. I glanced at this beauty and realised that her wrist was badly bruised along with her arm.

I felt a pang of guilt and slowly reached down to touch her sore arm. At my touch, I winced as the girl made a soft groan from the over-whelming pain.


I stroked her arm carefully and felt the warmth that shot right into my heart.

She is now my imprint and it is now my duty to protect her from any harm...

I tried to contain myself as my heart yearns to place a small kiss on her forehead.

Don’t worry, girl. You are safe with me.


Hey everyone, I hope you like this chapter cos Paul is finally here! :D

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Thanks for reading!

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