"No," I smiled. "I'm going to see my father. Have you heard about him? He's on the run for murder. You should tag along. I bet you'll love him."

Amy and Annie muttered and stuttered and sadly, told me they were too busy. They were terrified and rushed off as soon as the bell rang. Although it was stupid lying about him, the expressions on their faces were worth it. Maybe they'll leave me alone now.

I headed to therapy. Students headed towards the exit as I made my way up the staircase and along the empty Art corridor. Mrs. Holmes was waiting for me in an empty classroom. She greeted me pleasantly and asked how I was as I sat down opposite her.

I set my backpack down on the floor. "Good."

"You look chirpier today. Good news?"

"I had a day that wasn't entirely bad."

"Hmm? Tell me about it."

"Well..." I relaxed in my seat and then straightened up. "I think I made a friend or two. I'm not sure. I also ate edible lunch food today. Cheese sandwich. It had pickles in it which I tossed in the trash where it belongs. The only people who eat pickles are uncivilised savages who are ruining the economy."

She cracked a smile. "Tell me about your new friends."

"He's cute and she's cute and I guess they're both pretty swell."

"And the man we spoke of last week...?"

"He's still a cúnt flake."

"Do you–?"

"I don't care to speak about him. Not meaning to be rude but can we talk about something else?"

"OK. Do you talk to your brother?"

"Not really. I mean, we say hi and smile when we pass each other in the corridor but I haven't really had time to talk properly. I want to but the timing is never right."

She wrote something down. "Can I set you a task? Take some time this weekend to get a coffee with Seth. It'd be good to talk. You could help him understand questions he may have and rebuild the relationship you once had with him. I'm sure you miss him terribly and–"

"I will." She didn't need to lay on the guilt. I had already planned it out in my head. Things will go well. Fingers crossed.


The hour-long therapy session came to an end and Mrs. Holmes and I parted ways and agreed to meet again next week. I was sort of looking forward to it although I'd never admit it. She was like a diary. A stress-reliever. I babbled on and on today and she didn't seem to mind.

With hardly any students around, I headed down to the reception area and then out of the revolving doors and to the car park. My gut twisted as I came closer to my beloved Shogun. "Son of a..." I could hardly believe it. Someone had keyed the Shogun. I traced the wobbly scratches along the body and winced in pain. Seeing it made my eyes water.

Furious, I looked around for the culprit even though I knew whoever did it must've been long gone by now. I kicked the tyre in my blind rage. And then my gaze fell to the slashed tires. "Motherfúcking fúckers!"

"That's quite a potty mouth you've ..." Bryson trailed off as his eyes landed on my Shogun and he whistled in amazement. "You've sure made some enemies, ain'tcha?"

"Did you see who did it?"

"I just got out of detention," he took off his cap and pushed a hand through his curls. "But someone must–ooh. Look at the tires. Shit, man. You pissed off the wrong bitch."

"It was Ivy, that stupid cúnt. I swear I'm going to–"

"You can't throw around accusations. You never know, it might've been Rachel or any one of Ivy's posse of snakes. Hey. Come on. My brother's a mechanic. I can give him a bell. He'd be here by morning to pick it up." Bryson tugged me away to his car a few feet away. "I'll give you a lift."

"I should report it. I won't let that bitch get away with it." I was so mad I was shaking. I wanted to throttle Ivy.

Byrson unlocked his car, frowning at me. "Don't you know the first rule of life? No snitching. Get her back without announcing it to the world. Heck. I'll help you plot. Just don't be stupid and tell tales. No-one appreciates it. Not even the teachers."

I was conflicted on what to do. On one hand I wanted to toss my keys into a trash can and forget about the Shogun but on the other hand it was my first love and I couldn't abandon it in its time of need. Sighing in aggravation, I turned my back and opened the passenger door. He inserted his keys and the radio came on. "Seatbelt," he ordered.

"What sort of crap do you listen to? What is this?"

"I have a Drake CD."

"Drake's good."

"Check the glove box."

I played the new CD and tossed the old one–it was a southern gothic band–in a random case. I was still pissed but the anger was slowly trickling away. There was nothing more I could do for today so I left my worries in the car park and focussed on Bryson.

"You wanna come back to mine? Smoke a bowl? My parents are out."

"Order a pizza and I'm in."



Bryson's home was small but cosy. The living room was overflowing with flowery scatter cushions and doll ornaments in glass cabinets. A lazy brown cat mewed softly from an armchair. "Sorry about the mess," Bryson scratched the back of his head. "Mum's a hoarder freak."

"It's cool, I like it," I petted the cat's head and it purred softly. "Who's this precious baby?"

"That's Marvellous. Dad found her on the street years ago. She was a skinny, vicious tramp but now look at the fat lump." Bryson said fondly. He switched on the TV and settled for a black and white film before tossing the remote on to the sofa. "Make yourself at home. I'll go see about that pizza and call my brother about your wheels."

The pizza arrived just as Bryson's parents walked in. I was greeting his parents and introducing myself when Bryson shoved me out of the door, yelling to his parents he'd be back later. "We're going to yours. I love my parents but I'm not going to give them a chance to embarrass me."

"I'm going wherever that pizza is going," I said and Bryson dropped the pizza on my lap. I ate as I gave him directions to the flat. I was slightly anxious during the ride, hoping that it would be empty and Cole would be no-where in sight. We hadn't spoken since he stormed out this morning and I preferred it. I decided to stop chasing after him like a desperate dog. He only wanted me for sex and I'd be alright with that but he loved an argument and I didn't have the energy right now to play with him.

The flat was dark. I flipped a switch, doing a quick check of the rooms to find out no one was home and sighed in relief. I returned to Bryson and he waved the whiskey bottle at me. "You live alone?"

"With friends."

He poured me a glass and I threw it back even though I was supposed to be staying sober. However, it'd been a hard day. I deserved a small drink. I'd start my days to sobriety tomorrow. I don't know how it happened. Between drinking almost an entire bottle of whiskey between us and accidentally dropping the last slice of pizza on the dirty kitchen floor and then trying to scrape the cheese and laughing tipsily and shit-talking people we knew and touching and shoving each other and then suddenly we were in the dark living room kissing and I was thinking of Cole even though I didn't want to and then Bryson asking if I was sure and then muttering about having a condom in his wallet and then he was smiling and the room was spinning and my head was numb and I wrapped my naked legs around Bryson's waist as we kissed and he groaned and then I zoned out.

My mind went blank.

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