A Shy Lie

104 4 4

January 10, 2008

In a small cottage up in New Orleans lived me, Jenna. I live with my mother Hannah, brother Oliver, and Dog named Chaos.

I just moved into the district so this meant a whole new school, new friends, new life. I am now a student attending Jakeville high. I wanted to start over new. No drama, Just friends and fun.

I walked into the school and there Principal James handed me a schedule.."I think you'll enjoy the classes I have arranged for you. They're in your grade range. Oh, and welcome to Jakeville High." "Thank you Principal James." I replied with a relieved tone. "Lunch is at 12:25, Don't be late!" I walk off nervous to attend the first class of my day. The first room on my schedule was Mrs Rays. Her room number was 345. I was in the two hundreds so I kept walking down the hallway. I approached room 345 nervous, yet ready. I walked in and a took a seat beside a young lady named Alyssa. "Hi! I'm Alyssa! Lyssa for short. Who are you?" "I..I'm Jenna" I replied hesitantly. "Well, Hello Jenna, how do you like this school so far?" "It's alright I guess. I just started here today. How do you like it here?"

Before I could get any words out, a boy walks through the door. My face lit up in awe. "That's the cutest kid in school Jenna. His name is Matthew, Matthew Phillips, Quarter back of the football team and orchestra leader. " Holy shit. I couldn't stop staring at him. Matthew walked up to me and asked if the seat next to me was taken."No, you can sit there. I said with a flushed look. He sat next to me and we went along conversating. "Jenna right?"

"Correct!" "So, how are you liking Jakeville so far?" Mat asked, seeming extremely curious. "Well, I just started today and don't really have any friends... I think I am letting the isolation get the best of me. But anyways, how has your day been so far?" Mat sighed, "It's alright I guess, just a little tired. Everything is really stressful lately, I'm not sure why. But it seems as though it's my fault." I put my hand on Mats' shoulder. "It's not your fault, there is just a lot going on. It'll all get easier, I promise. " Matthew had to go to football practice so I got up and headed to my swim class. Hesitantly, I knock on the swim team practice door. "Come on in, Jenna."

Replied Mr. Smith. I walk into the door and find a seat. There is a seat next to the most popular girl in school. Her name is Brianna, Brianna Bodine. She's the prettiest girl you will ever lay your eyes on. She makes celebrities look terrible. She reminds me of a goddess. Like she was sent down from the heavens to make others with low self esteem feel even worse then before. Although she was breathtaking, I've never seen more evil in my life. I might have just started at this school, but she has definitely made an impression on me.

Earlier this morning I was putting my things in my locker. Little did I know that Bri was my locker buddy. She got over to her locker and pushed me aside. "Move out of the way, freak!" She said to my face.

Holy shit, you'll never know how scared I was. An hour into my first day and someone already wants to jump me! I've never done anything bad to anyone. I couldn't believe it.

I pushed that thought aside, put my things in my locker and started walking home. When I arrived at my house my mom was right up my ass. "Jenna baby! How was your first day?" I really wasn't in the mood so I just ran up stairs to my room. I got into my room and pulled out my iPhone. I didn't have any friends. Therefore, that meant I didn't have any texting buddies, but I still have games and social networks. I opened the temple run app, and beat my high score. After a while, I got bored and went downstairs. My mom had told me that it was time for dinner. I ate dinner and went to bed.

The next day, I woke up and got ready for school. I got to school and everything was fine. I did my daily routine. Lunch came around and I was sitting at the table alone, until Matthew decided to join me. "Hey, Jenna can I sit here?"

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