bipolar disorder.

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Bipolar Disorder - or better known as mood swings - is marked by periods of elation and Depression, it causes your emotions to vary randomly or at times when you're relaxed and or on edge, say while sitting in class with your crush or at a family dinner. It most commonly comes out when somebody does or says something you don't like, but can occur almost anytime of the day.

In most cases, Bipolar is a side effect of Manic Depression. The cause of Bipolar Disorder are not entirely known. Genetic, neurochemical and environmental factors probably interact at many levels to play a role in the onset and progression of bipolar disorder, its most believed to be a specific part of the brain and is due to a malfunction of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers).

* Feeling hopeless, sad, or empty.
* Irritability
* Inability to experience pleasure
* Fatigue or loss of energy
* Physical and mental sluggishness
* Appetite or weight changes
* Sleep problems
* Concentration and memory problems
* Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
* Thoughts of death or suicide

•    If you have a family member who has or may have this Disorder, you are 15-25% more likely to develop the condition.
•   Someone with an identical twin have a higher chance then any others with an nonidentical twin or is a single sibling.
•    Life event may trigger a mood episode in a person with a genetic disposition for bipolar disorder.
•     Altered health habits, alcohol or drug abuse, or hormonal problems can trigger an episode.

However, depression in itself is usually something one is born with, which means if you're in the best of circumstances, Bipolar might be the only thing that makes an appearance in your life.
Cures for Bipolar Disorder are rather easy, it can be treated with medication, therapy or naturally with lifestyle changes.
Try to surround yourself with positive things and people, and always make time for yourself and things you enjoy, separate yourself from stress and if you find a pattern to your mood swings, make sure to document them. Psychical fitness is also key to a healthy mind.


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