Chapter Two

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The rest of the class wandered in as the final bell rang to begin class. “As you may have guessed, I am Mr.Murs, I will be your teacher this year. Now before you all ask, yes I am in fact old enough to be a teacher and as such, I expect you to treat me the way I will treat all of you, with respect.” He clasped his hands together as he leaped up onto our small practice stage, “Okay, now enough of the lectures, let’s get to know each other. I am going to count you off in twos. Once I have given you a number I want the ones on the right and the twos on the left.”

He ran around the room assigning us numbers. I don’t know how Louis, Zayn and I all ended up on the same side but we did. We made our way over to join the rest of the ones when Mr.Murs made another announcement. “Alright, everyone look around and introduce yourselves, this is a small class so you will all get to know each other well by the close of the school year. These people will be your team, we are going to start off with a good old-fashioned game of charades!”

Zayn groaned at the mention of charades, he wasn’t a big fan of the game. He always messed up his hand signals and ran out of time before anything was guessed. I looked around to see who else was on the team, we had some of the footballers, a few band kids and then there was the three of us. We formed a small circle and introduced ourselves. There was myself, Zayn, Louis, Té, Josh, Kaya, and Jade.

After each team had some time to strategize, we went through the whole class to introduce everyone. As I scanned the other team I found my friends Harry and Liam, they must have spotted me because Harry growled and cheered, “You’re going down Horan,” erupting in laughter as their team high fived. The rest of the team consisted of Sonny, Eddie, Perrie, Eleanor and Andy. Well this should be interesting I thought to myself as we prepared to battle.


“I can’t believe you beat us! You guys suck at charades, and we had Andy!” Harry yelled at me in frustration.

I just laughed it off as Liam and I each placed a hand on his shoulders, “Just let it go Haz, you win some you lose some,” Liam said.

“But they had Zayn! It was practically a shoe-in!" he groaned

“It’s not your fault, we had the luck of the Irish with us,” I smirked at him as we walked down the hall. Louis and Zayn were trailing behind us, Zayn dropping subtle hints about some parties coming up and prying into Louis' personal life, something about trying to ‘identify Lou’s sexuality’ so he knew how much matchmaking he would have to do.

Zayn had been whispering to me the entire class about how cute Louis was and how he thought we would be perfect together. I glared at him, I guess I don’t mind if he investigates into Louis’ preference but he better not out me in the process, I’m not ready for that.

“Shit! I knew I was forgetting something,” I slapped my hand to my face, “Allow me to properly introduce you,” I turned to Louis. “Louis these are two of my best friends, Liam,” Liam extended his hand to shake with Louis, “and this fool is Harry,” Zayn added pointing to our curly-haired friend.

Harry brightened up pulling Lou into a bone crushing hug, “Nice to meet you, you must be that new kid I’ve heard about. Stan was telling me how Mr. Murs was raving about working with you.”

“Uhm, yeah I guess so,” Louis replied nervously. Liam gently squeezed his shoulder, “Don’t worry, Hazza’s harmless, he couldn’t hurt a fly.”

“Come on Li, that was one time can’t we move on!” Harry pouted stomping his feet.

“Dude, you screamed like a girl and made Gemma kill it for you. And let’s not forget she tackled you to the ground after,” Liam chuckled.

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