They were finished eating when I went out to them I cleared their things into the kitchen and then when I came back out, they had my chair back in place. I sat at the head of the table and they all turned to look at me.

"So..." I began awkwardly, not really sure how to talk to them. I was new in the talking to my favorite band department and I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. 

"We talked it over and, if you are still willing, we would love to stay the night at your house. It would be most appreciated and you will be compensated for your trouble." Yongguk said, nodding at me. "We will look for a more permanent place to stay tomorrow."

"Yongguk Oppa, you don't need to compensate me for my trouble," I said using his words with a small laugh. "It's no trouble at all and you may stay as long as you wish. Whenever you are ready I can lead you there..." 

 They all nodded and Yongguk paid their bill. Andy handed me my phone and assured me he would close up so I took my skates off and padded my way out to my car in my stocking feet. I pulled my car out front and all the boys were waiting beside a black SUV.

I cracked the door and stepped out, leaning across the roof of my car to talk to them. "If you want, you can follow me. It's only right down the road." They nodded and piled into the SUV. I'd have offered to drive them but I only had one other seat and I don't think they would be comfortable splitting up. I don't think I'd even be able to talk to one of them one-on-one. I was socially awkward with groups let alone with only one person!

As I drove, I made sure to go slow enough that they wouldn't lose me. It was a short drive but it gave me plenty of time to worry. Had I picked my socks up out of the hallway? Were there dirty dishes in the sink? Did I have a pair of underwear somewhere visible?

When I pulled into the driveway, I made sure to leave plenty of space for the SUV to park next to my Mazda. I already had my house keys in my hand when I got out, thankful I left the porch light on so that it wasn't pitch black here.

I hopped lightly up the steps to unlock the door, conscious of six pairs of eyes on my back. When I got inside, I fumbled for the light switch. Everybody filed in behind me and we stood in the kitchen surrounded by an awkward silence for a moment. My eyes darted to the sink for a moment and I breathed a sigh of relief, all the dishes were clean and put away.

"Well," I started. "This is the kitchen..." They followed me as I walked through the house, flipping on lights as I went. It was a vague tour, only including the rooms we were walking through. They each carried a suitcase with them as we went upstairs to the second floor. "This is where all the bedrooms are. There's a bathroom here," I said, pointing to the door at the top of the stairs. "And there's one in this room." I flipped a switch to the room that had been my older brother's when he still lived here.

The room was big, the second biggest, because when we were younger he and I shared the room. There was a queen sized bed up against one wall and a small loveseat against the other side of the room. The floors were a dark cherry that matched the rest of the house. White walls were decorated with pictures of race cars from the local tracks and old Pokémon posters. There was a computer desk with an old desktop computer on the wall adjacent to the loveseat, with the door to the bathroom right next to it. The rest of the room was very open and spacious.

It was hot so, I was thankful that I'd just gone through the house and changed all the curtains from solid blue to white lace and put in window fans in all the bedrooms. Daehyun and Youngjae each set their bag down in the room and Yongguk nodded to them both.

 We all walked down the hall to the next room. This room had been my parents' room and then my mother's room after the divorce. The walls were a pale green and were decorated with random pictures that I had picked up from the thrift store. My mom had taken all of her stuff with her so I decorated with things that I made and that I picked up at yard sales and thrift stores for cheap. There was a king sized bed on one wall with a walnut side table I had made. The bookshelf against the far wall was another of my creations in shop class. It was covered in small odds and ends that were the product of learning in class. Some things that had gone wrong on the lathe may not have turned out how I wanted them but they were cute decorations...

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