"I'm so sorry, I'm nervous." He tells me. His hands were shaking uncontrollably it was so cute.

"It's totally fine." I tell him as he helps me out of the car and in that moment another contraction hit me, more painful than the last one and I couldn't help but scream out in pain.

Once we got into the hospital we got a wheel chair and he quickly pushed me to the maternity ward.

Once I got to my room Dillon quickly helped me onto the bed and the nurse came in.

"Hi, my name is Karen. I'll be one of your nurses today. The doctor is on his way. I'm going to go ahead and set you up and check how much you're dilated."

After setting me up and checking everything she needed to, we called all of our friends and family to tell them what was going down.

As time passed my contractions came closer and more painful. She kept checking to see how dilated I was and it seemed like I was only dilating a centimeter every hour. I've been in labor for 3 hours now and I'm at 3 and half inches.

"Do you want to try walking around to speed up the process?" The nurse asked. I didn't want to, but I did want to hurry up and get this over with.


Me and Dillon walked up and down the halls for about 2 hours until my contractions came more frequently and were a lot more painful.

After I got in bed I realized how pale Dillon was. I don't think Dillon is taking this in well.

"Are you okay?" I ask him out of breath.

"Yes! Of course I am..." He tells me with fake excitement.



"Okay then."

After about 30 minutes later the nurse came back in to check how dilated I was.

"You are at 9 inches! You'll be in active labor soon. Would you want an epidural?"

"Of course." I heard that giving birth to twins in itself is painful and this is my first time giving birth so I'm not going to take that chance.

"Alright, stay strong. When the doctor gets here we can get started."

When the doctor came about 30 minutes later I was finally ready to get those babies out. He put on some gloves and began to set himself up.

"So all I need you to do is breath and push when your next contraction hits okay?"

"Mhm" I barely mumble out because I'm in so much pain.

The first time I pushed wasn't as hard as I expected, but it was definitely hard for Dillon. He could barely breath and I could tell he was struggling.

"Go Dillon." I whimper out.

"No, I'll be okay. I promised I'd stay by your side the whole time."


For the last 45 minutes, I put up with the pain and didn't let a single year roll down my cheek. As I felt the first baby move down the canal it made me push even harder and ignore the pain.

10 minutes later at 12:56 a.m the first baby came out and it was a boy. I was so proud of myself I finally let the tears I was holding up go. Then just a couple of seconds later the second baby came and it was a girl.

Dillon was too squeamish to cut the umbilical cord so the doctor did it for him.

"Well congratulations, Ms. Depierro..." the doctor starts.

"Mrs. Radbourne." Dillon quickly corrects him.

"Right, my mistake. Mrs. Radbourne. You've given birth to a healthy girl and boy. The boy weighing 8 pounds 6 ounces and the girl 8 pounds and 13 ounces. We'll leave you 4 alone while we get paperwork ready." He tells us leaving the room with the nurses.

"Good job baby. I barely made it." Dillon says with an embarrassed laugh.

"Thank you, I'm proud of you." I tell him smiling wide. "So, what are we going to name them?" I ask him while kissing my new baby girl.

"Nolan and Niyah?" He quickly blurts out not having to think about it he says playing his new sons fingers.

"Wow. Those are beautiful names. We'll go with that."

"Really? That's great!" He says practically jumping up in joy. I can tell Dillon is excited to have 2 children of his own in his life.

About 5 minutes of admiring our babies, my family arrives. We spent about 30 minutes with my parents just playing around with our new children. Me and Dillon listened while my mom went on and on about how to properly take care of these children and we're glad she did.

It feels good having not just one, but two kids now. I'm beyond greatful that I was actually able to get pregnant and give birth to two healthy children. After everything that happened I never thought I'd ever be able to get pregnant, but thanks to Dillon keeping me positive I did.

After speaking with my family for the past hour I kick them out because I am ready to get back home and go to sleep.

After we finished signing all the documents, we checked out of the hospital and hurried home.

I immediately went to take a shower while Dillon set up where they were going to sleep in our room.

"It feels great no being pregnant anymore." I tell Dillon kissing the babies good night.

"I'm sure it does. I'm ecstatic about it. Not only do we have Ronald, now we have Nolan and Niyah. I'm happy everyone is healthy."

"I am too."

"I can't wait to see how they turn out to be in the future." He tells me drifting off to sleep. Tonight was a long night, but it was well worth it. I can wait to introduce them to everyone.

It's going to be interesting and fun raising them. I can't wait to see how they turn out to be. This is going to be fun. I can't wait.

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