Anastasia Lucendent Adela

Start from the beginning

I am the jewel of the Five Kingdoms. A precious thing desired by all. Every rival nation knows the power I possess as heir. I am the example for many. I represent my parents and the kings and queens before them. A shining jewel among mere pebbles.

And I'm only sixteen.

But all I have ever desired is to be normal. I want to live in the village below the castle. If I am to be married I want it to be for love, not arranged or planed.

  This is when I confront my other problem.

  I am to be betrothed before I reach my seventeenth year.

You probably hear this and think, "My word! What kind of horrible parents would make a child do this?"

Of course, my parents are not horrible people.

  My father, a tall man of about six foot five, is a firm but loving king. He is respected by all his subjects. He has a dark goatee and eyes that have joy and kindness in them, but also passion and the desire to be a great leader.

Mother says that I have the same look in my matching dark eyes.

My mother, a graceful tall woman with long red curls and bright crystal blue eyes, is loved and respected by all her subjects. She is looked up to in a way I have never before seen any other queen. She walks on praises and thanks, and returns them to her loving people. It is a skill I work on consistently so I too will one day follow in her steps.

I also wish to have a similar relationship to that of my mother and father. If I were to be given away, I want to love my spouse like my parents love each other.

  I suppose this is a fear that shakes me more than most others. A fear that I will be given to the hands of a greedy prince who will not respect me. I am afraid I will lose my throne to him. My power, my birthright, given away to a fowl man who doesn't deserve it. That he will take over my kingdom and leave me in the shadows

These fears shadow my desire for love, and so I remain content in the idea of refusing a man for a husband.

  I sit silently in my bed chamber alone and thoughtfully wonder how I am going to explain this to the four princes who are arriving tomorrow morning to compete for my hand in marriage.

A maid opens the door, peaking her head around before spotting me on my bed deep in thought. "Your Majesties the king and queen are awaiting your arrival for dinner," She said with a respectful curtsy. Her long brown hair streaked with gray fell around her shoulders and swayed with the fabric of her dress.

  I glance around my room, sighing deeply that I would have to leave its comfort to face my parents with my explanation for undoing the trials.

The curtains and bedspread matched in the beautiful foreign pink silk I had grown to love ever since mother went to visit a foreign country. The high arched ceiling had beautiful paintings of stars and sunshine and I have stared at them so long that I can almost describe them from memory. The oversized dresser that has my many gowns and dresses is set next to the door connecting to my bathroom, a grand piece that many princesses have used before me.

Everything about the room sang with tradition and history. Perhaps it is time for some things to change.

"Of course," I said, standing and straightening out my wrinkled dress quickly. "Thank you, Margaret." I add with a kind smile towards the maid who helps tame my curls every morning.

She stands up straighter, comfortable in my presence from years of watching me grow. "How are you, my dear Ana?" She asks, immediately fixing my wild curls when I reach her in the way only someone who has become a motherly figure could do without discomfort.

I sigh, watching her hands twirl purposefully around my thick locks. "When are the princes arriving?" I ask with a small frown.

Margaret nods knowingly. Her expression told me she already had assumed that was where my mind had wondered. "Tomorrow morning," she puts a delicate hand on my shoulder to comfort me and I was grateful for the effort.

I sigh, looking towards the floor. Margaret nods as if this had said everything that buzzed around my mind. "I know dear," she said softly.

"I don't want to get-" I start to mumble under my breath about not wanting to get married as I shut the large wooden doors of my bedroom, but I quickly shut my jaw tight. Grumbling will do me no good.

Once I am in the hallway and out of the privacy of my room I stand taller. Confidently.

I may be upset, but I still need to remember my training and act like the perfect princess I am expected to be.

I run my fingers along the swirling patterns and flowers in the wooden door of my bedroom and thank Margaret before leaving for dinner.

  My footsteps echo on the hard stone floor. The large arched windows had the royal red curtains pulled back so the warm oranges, pinks, and yellows of a setting sun casted warm shadows across the halls.

The large wooden doors of the dining room come into view as I turn the last corner. The familiar iron handles shaped into the heads of lions squeaks as two guards opened the door for me. When I pass them they bow in respect.

I nod my thanks, a practiced smile on my face and walk into the dining room with my shoulders held back with a confidence I don't possess.

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