Happy Birthday To.......Wait Who's Birthday Is It?

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Ok So Like 2 Chapters left!!!! Awwww so sad...... Anyways, I Hope You Like This Chapter, Not Really One Of My Bests, But It Has An Actual Plot. And At Least It's Not A Filler!!!


Maddie's P.O.V

Today was the day. The day I turn the big one four. Fourteen! I am not a child! Well I haven't been for a year. Anyways. I wake up in my Barbie bedroom. I turn my head slightly to look at the clock: 10:30 am. My feet touch the soft carpet and I slip some slippers on. You can't imagine what I'm feeling! I feel excited, energetic, and overall.....worried. If the boys don't remember my birthday, then I'll seem like some sort of idiot trying to get them to take a hint. I smell pancakes all the way from my room. Maybe they did remember.....I hope at least ONE of them did!!! If they all forgot, it would just be a reminder of how clueless they were.

At least they stopped bugging me for details about that night. It finally stopped when the boys started to obsess about Niall kissing a fan.....on the lips. It's all over the magazines right now, which have been banned from the house. We don't ever really talk about the boys career. I mean, they had to take a break from the tour because of Louis disappearance and accident. I still feel horrible and I also feel that somehow....it's my fault.

My eyes are still adjusting to the lighting as I walk out my door, into the kitchen where Harry is making pancakes. Niall's already got a stack piled high with whipped cream and strawberries. That boy knows how to eat! Louis has one with a whipped cream smiley and strawberries for eyes. Liam just soaks his in syrup. And Zayn.....well he put the same face as Louis but with a whipped cream Afro. They eat weird. Niall scarfs down his food as well as the other boys. Except Liam. He's like a girl sometimes. He uses a fork and a knife and takes very teeny bites.

"Morning love. Pancake?" Harry asks as he pours more batter onto a pan.

"Yea sure, but um...... do you have anything to say to me today?" I ask.

The boys look up and slowly shake their heads no. I look down, embarrassed. They totally and completely forgot. The boys, forgot my birthday. How could they?! Their the ones who wanted to adopt me so badly! The least they could do is remember my god damn birthday!

"Were we supposed to?" Zayn asks.

"It's not a holiday is it?" Niall says.

I shake my head no and leave the room.

Harry calls after me. "Hey! Don't you want your pancake?"

"Not hungry anymore." I say glumly. The boys seem to take no interest in my tone and return to their food. I run and lock the door to my room, making sure I slam it. I angrily dig through my suitcase and find my calendar. The page for August is folded. I open it up and look at the 7th which is circled with a green high liter. I stare at it for a few moments before I tear it apart. I don't need any more memories of this day.

I haven't even had breakfast yet and I'm already depressed and nauseous. The boys will be wondering why I'm acting so weird. Best not to look sad. I quickly wipe away my anger tears and fix my hair a little. I don't bother to clean up the mess since I'm the only one who comes into this room anyways.

I walk back to the kitchen where the boys are each helping themselves to a second serving. I bet Liam's still on his first. As if nothing happened, I sit on the stool next to Niall an wait for my plate. Harry smiles and hands me a plate with one pancake and a side full of strawberries. Good they remembered that I can't eat as much as them. I take a few bites an quickly fill up. I excuse myself from the table,not looking any of them directly in the eyes. Once again, I slam the door shut forgetting that I shouldn't show how pissed off I am.

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