I'm now a robot

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My anxiety was through the roof. I have a massive problem with older males due to some of my past. Changing in front of him is something I did not want to do. He handed my a hospital gown. "When you're done put this on, I'll be back in a bit." I was grateful he didn't have to be there to watch me change or anything. 

It was hard to take my my shirt off because of my IV. "You need help?" my mom asked. "I don't need ANY help from you." I shot back. I was still furious with her for calling the police and sending me to the hospital. 

I eventually got everything except my panties off. It was fairly difficult, but I got it.

 Once I got all that off the nurse came back in with a lady with some type of weird machine with a bunch of cords. "Hello Rachel. This is an EKG, we're going to use it because some of the tings you took can do some funny things to your heart." I nodded half - halfheartedly.

She put stickers on my chest and one on each side of my ribs. Then she hooked me up to the EKG machine, there were cords everywhere, I felt like a robot. 

When she was done the nurse told me that they were going to have to hook me up to a monitor so they can keep an eye on my heart. 

Again, I was a robot. 

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