Letting go of the pain

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When I got home the whole situation was still burned in my mind, refusing to leave.

It also still hadn't completely sunk in that this was the place that i was going to be at for the rest of my teenage life. It would when I went to school though I'm sure.

The next day we went back to my dads to pack up and take all my things. This wasn't the hard part. The hard part was saying goodbye to my little sister Isabel. She was the only thing positive at my father's house.

My mom and I went into my disaster of a room. Making careful steps around all of the junk on the floor so we didn't fall and break our necks.

I went and got the roll of trash bags so we could get started.

We got all of my stuff into bags and what wouldn't fit into bags on the bed of the truck.

After hours of loading stuff onto the truck I made one last trip inside to tell my amazing baby sister goodbye. I didn't want to. She was the only positive thing in my crazy, messed up life at my dad's.

"Can I say goodbye to Isabel please?" I requested Britanie.

"Sure, sure." She didn't sound very happy.

"Goodbye Isabel. I love you so much. You better come visit me when you get older." I smiled as tears threatened to burst from my eyes. I gave the biggest hug I could for a baby and left.

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