chapter 1

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{Tini POV}

'Hey there she walk again with her big ass' I hear him scream and his friends laugh. Tears fall down of my cheeks. It's already the 3th time. I run to the toilets and start crying. Maybe he is right. 'Cuz there is no one who says it isn't. No one who says that he has to shut his mouth. Maybe I have to eat less chocolate, and things like that. Yeah I will do that. I hear the door opens and someone walks in. 'Tini? Are you here?' I hear a girls voice with I reconise as Lodo's. 'No' I say still crying. 'Tini please. Come out of the toilet. You can trust me. Please tell me what happened.' Should I come? Maybe she is like her brother and wants me to come crying and than makes a picture. No. What am I thinking. Lodo isn't like that. She is a real friend. I decide to come out. I open the toilet door and walk to her. 'Now tell me what happened.' she said. 'Jorge...' I started. 'What has he done to make you cry?' She said angry. 'He...he said I have a big ass and that I'm thick. Multiple times' I start crying again. 'And you know what....he is right. I am thick and fat.' I say. 'No Tini! Stop it. Don't say things like that. You are one of the most beautiful girls I know. You don't need to listen to Jorge. He is just asking for attention' Lodo said serious. 'But what if he is right?' I ask. 'Trust me. He isn't.' she said. 'Now lets go to lesson or we'll be late. Break is almost over.' 'Yeah lets go.'


When school is over I walk to the bus. I thought of what hapened this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow I can go with the bike. Yeah that is a good idea. I get my key and open the door. I see my parents aren't at home. Again. The last days they leave before i wake up and come back home late. I wonder what they are doing all the time. I walk upstairs to my room to make my homework. Then my phone rings. I look who it is and see it is Rugge. I answer the phone. 'Hey girl' he says happily. 'Hey' i answer. 'Whats up with you? No happy welcome?' Rugge asks. 'Hmm sorry. Not in the mood' I answer. 'What happened with my babygirl?' he asked. 'Nothing important.' i say. 'Tini. What has happened? Since when don't you trust me?! Your best friend for years.' he says worried. 'There is noyhing Rugge. Trust me. I'm just a bit low' i said. 'Martina Alejandra Stoessel Muzlera...' he started '... Since when don't you trust me anymore?' he says fake offensive. 'Rugge please' i say. 'Okey okey. We'll talk later. Ciao girl. Love you' he says. 'Too' i answer. Then we hang up, and I continue my homework.


I'm almost done with my homework. Only one exercise of Spanish.

Translate the next sentence:
Music is my pasion.

Euhm...What was it? Ow yeah La musica es mi passion I fill in. So and done. I close my books and put it in my bag. Then I hear the doorbell ringing. I walk downstairs and open the door. See Rugge stand there. 'And now, Tini, you are gonna tell me what has happened' he says.


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∞ Esmé ∞

It's ComplicatedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang