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The dog backed away, scared. It whimpered and it's expession softened. You slowly dropped the knife and reached your hand out towards the dog. It stopped whimpering and nudged your hand with it's nose. Then it began licking it, and you started to giggle. The dog jumped up licked your face now, causing you to fall over.

Suddenly, a little girl ran over to you and the dog. "Doggie!!" The girl screeched. The dog snarled and growled. You watched as the loving pup turned back into the intimidating attack dog you feared at the beginning of the aptitude test. You frowned at the sight. The dog dashed forward in the direction of the girl. "NO!"

You yelled. You couldn't let this happen. You picked up the knife from before and threw it instinctively at the back of the dog's neck. You had never thrown a knife before, but it came so naturally. Blood seeped from the dog's wound as it fell to the ground. Tears threatened to pour from the little girl's eyes. "Y-you killed m-my d-doggie!!" She sobbed. "N-no, I was... it was..." You said. But before you could explain, the girl, the dog, and everything else dissolved into darkness.

You were on a bus. A bus? You thought. I don't take the bus. "(Y/N)," said a voice, breaking your train of thought. "Do you know this man?" You looked up to see a man with a scarred face. He was a bit on the taller side, but not too much. He was holding up a newspaper with a picture of a man on the front page. He looked... familiar. "No. I don't know him" you lied. "YES YOU DO!! DON'T LIE TO ME, YOU COULD SAVE MY LIFE!!" the man yelled. "I'm sorry, I don't know him." You responded. The man pulled back his arm to signify that he was going to punch you. You prepared to block the punch with your arm, but he and the bus disappeared before he could hit.

You were awake. You were alive. You heaved a sigh of relief. "So," you wondered out loud. "What are my results? What am I?" Tori gulped.



Hey guys! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, though it got deleted a couple of times. I hope you enjoy it!

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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Twisted [Eric x Reader Divergent Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora