Chapter 9

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We all finished eating and went upstairs to get dressed. I was in the closet when NayNay came in. "Can you do my hair?" She asked. "Sure love." I said and grabbed my hair stuff from the dresser. "How do you want it?" I asked. "A bun, like yours." I laughed. Nay loves doin that. "Okay boo." I started on her hair. "How are you getting your hair?" I asked her. "I want it straightened." She said. How are you getting yours? She asked me. "Well, i want mine straight too. But i want to add color to my ends. Probably a light brown color, im not sure yet." I said. "Ray is gonna like that." She said and smiled. "Yeah, i think he will." I finished her hair as we continued to talk. "You know, i really like you here. I finally have a big sister around all the time." I smiled. These kids know how to warm my heart!!!! "Awe, NayNay im happy to be here. But I've always been around." I said. "No, i mean like now you live with us. So you don't have to go home anymore cause this is your home. Before, you used to leave when you and ray fight. Now you can just come in my room." She smiled. And i laughed. "I love talking to you YN." I smiled again. "Aweee thank you, and if you ever need anything, you know im here for you. You also have your mom && you know you can talk to ray about anything. Dont ever think you dont have anyone to talk to." I assured her. "I know. I just like talking to you." She smiled and stood up. "What are you wearing?" I stood up and pulled out a strapless peach colored romper. "This. Now you need to go and get dressed. What are you wearing.?" I asked her. "Im dressed." She said. I looked at her. She had on turquoise shorts and a while , light green && turquoise shirt. "Them shorts are too short NayNay." I said. "But you wear shorts like this." Mental note: set a better example for her. She sees everything. "If ray sees you, he's gonna flip." Just as i said that last word, ray walks in. "Flip what?" He looked at me then at NayNay. "Go change." Was all he said. "YN wears shorts like this." She argued. "I don't care, YN is older than you. Go change." She rolled her eyes and i saw him gettin pissed. " NayNay go change those fu-..." I cut him off. My lets go find a dress or something." I grabbed her hand and quickly left the room. Close one. Ray doesnt play when it comes to his sisters. We got into nay's room. "Word of advice, just change when he says change." I said to her ask looked into her closet. "We both know how that would have ended. And i dont wanna see you upset.." I took, out a sundress and a blue romper similar to mine. "Okay, so we have the dress or the romper. Which one?" I asked holding them up. "Sundress." She said. "Nice choice." I smiled and handed it to her. "Okay get dressed, and put your shoes on, and come back to the room, I'll let you hold my Minnie necklace and bracelet." Her eyes lit up, she loves my Minnie Mouse set. I might give it to her, and give the hello kitty to KayKay, we'll have to get it fixed to her size though, its cute they go crazy over my jewelry. "Okay!!" She said and started ripping off her clothes fast as wind. I went back in the room to check on ray. He was sitting at his computer desk. "Hey." I said as i sat on his lap. "Hey baby." He said as he kissed my neck. "Did she change?" "Yeah she did, i apologize about that. I gotta set a better example for her. She's growing up and wants to do everything she sees me do." I said. "No need to apologize, shes at that age where she wants to do everything, but she has to understand shes not a teenager. She'll be okay.." He smiled and i kissed him. "You all ready?" He asked. "Yeah, just waiting on mama and NayNay to come back so i can give her my Minnie set." I said. "You're letting her have it?" He asked surprised. I laughed. Yeah i guess. I mean I've kinda outgrown it." I said. "And I'm gonna see if i can get the hello kitty one fixed to fit KayKay today." I added. "Yeah, she's crazy about her hello kitty & Dora." He said. NayNay walked in. "You look nice." He said to her. "Thank you." She smiled and came over to hug him. "Im sorry for having an attitude earlier ray. " she apologized. "Its okay." He said, i smiled. I stood up and took both sets of jewelry out and handed NayNay 2 boxes with Minnie Mouse on them. "They're yours now." I said. She gasped. "Really?! I can have them?!" She exclaimed. "Of course!" I laughed. "Come here, let me help you put them on.." Ray said and she walked over to him as he help her put them on. "Gold looks great on you." I smiled. "Thank you!" She said. Ray put the necklace and bracelet on her. "What about the ring?" He asked. I took the ring out the box with her bracelet. "Its hers too. I dont know if she can fit it yet. It fit really well on my middle finger." I said. She tried it on. "Almost." I said. I looked at ray. "Can they make rings smaller?" I asked him. "I don't know. But what if they can, and she grows out of it, i dont think they can make them bigger." I. Looked at the ring. "They have those things that makes the rings stay in place. I forgot what they're called though." I said. "Oh a ring guard. That way it'll stay the same size." Ray said. "Yeah, that." I put the ring back in the box and put it in my purse. "Thank you." Nay said and hugged me. "You're welcome!" I smiled and hugged her back. "Lets go into your mom's room and see if they're ready." I said and we walked out.

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