Chapter One: Start of the Chunin Exams

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"Team 13...Kosuke Sarutobi, Haruto Uzumaki, and Midori Haruno." Kosuke shook his head violently. He shouldn't be thinking so far back. He had to remain focused. They're a strong team for their level. Kosuke snapped back into reality. He glanced around quickly at the room full of Shinobi from different villages. "Haruto..isn't that your brother and his team?" Haruto turned to see a short blond in an orange jumpsuit with several others looking a little intimidated. " My Name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm going to beat everyone of ya! Believe it!" Every genin that wasn't of the leaf village glared at Naruto. Haruto slapped his forehead. "I swear he hides his brain somewhere. Damn it Naruto!" Midori giggled.

"My cousin is on his team as well. Didn't forget that did you, Kosuke?" Kosuke turned away from her red faced and defiant. "I have no idea what you're talking about ." Midori was a genjutsu user unlike her cousin Sakura who didn't show any signs of it. Haruto wasn't paying attention as he was watching the sound ninja that were glaring at their allies. "Kosuke. Midori." Both snapped to attention. "Those sound genin are about to attack." Kosuke glared. No one attacks the hidden leaf. As soon as the sound ninja with gauntlet reached the hidden leaf ninja Kosuke was already in front of him. "How did Yo-!" Kosuke looked bored. "So that's your trick huh..kinda obvious don't you think?" Kosuke caught the genin's fist as the power behind it decreased. "How? How are you still standing?!" Kosuke tilted his head to the side. "Were you about to show the power of your village?

Because that's what the chunin exams are for. No recklessness of any kind please. But please be aware...if you ever attack my brother and sisters in arms like that again...I will put you down." Kosuke's Chakra intensified as the sound ninja backed down. Before any more drama could form, the doors swung open and smoke poured out. A man stood before the genin and glared. "All right you baby-faced degenerates. Pipe down and listen up. It's time to begin. My name is Ibiki Morino, your proctor. And from this moment your worst enemy." Haruto and Kosuke both share glances. Yeah..the lunatic is their proctor..yay. "First you candidates from the village hidden in the sound, knock it off who told you you could fight? You wanna be failed before we've even begun?" The Sound nin gave him an amused expression. "Sorry." Kosuke gave him a death stare. He doesn't look sorry, Kosuke deadpanned. "It's our first time-" Outside your house? "-Guess we were a little jumpy Sir." Bullshit. Both Kosuke and Haruto deadpanned mentally. Ibiki smirked. "I'll say this once so listen up! There will be no combat between candidates, no attacking each other without permission of you proctor and even then use of fatal force is strictly prohibited.

Anyone who even thinks of messing around will be disqualified immediately. Got it." Uh..the last one wasn't even a question. Thought Haruto. "No fatal force? That's no fun." a sound nin jeered. Kosuke rolled his eyes at the sound nin. "I'm surprised he even knows what fatal means." Ibiki wasn't having it. "Now..." Kosuke and Haruto exchanged looks. The first stage of the chunin exams is a written test...Get the hell out. Midori squeaked. "What luck right guys?" Both stared at her with humorless eyes. "Kill yourself." Kosuke nodded in agreement. "See how far that sword goes Midori." Midori jumped in shock. "What's wrong with you guys?" Kosuke and Haruto sank to the floor in depressed states. "Neither of us would get to show our skills...what a waste." Midori looked at them and sighed. "Those two..." The trio got to their seats and waited to begin the exam. "Everyone eyes front. There are a few rules you need to be aware of that I won't answer any questions. So you better pay attention the first time around." Kosuke snorted. "Sounds like the academy."

Haruto snorted. "Sounds like old man Third." Midori snorted. "Sounds like mother nature." Ibiki started writing on the chalkboard. "Alright rule number one is this..the written part of the exam is conducted on a point reduction system." Kosuke eyes widen. Point..reduction system? "Contrary to what some of you may be used to you all begin the test for the perfect score of ten points. One point will be deducted for each answer you get wrong. So if you miss three your final score will be seven. Rule number two teams will pass or fail based on the total scores of all three members." Shock ran across the genin present. Kosuke and Haruto let out a sigh of relief. "That's not an issue." They both thought. "What?!" Who..? Oh..poor Sakura." They thought in sympathy. "Wait a second you're saying we all get scored as a team?" Midori gave her a look. "The bell test must not have worked yet..." Ibiki looks annoyed. "Quite! I have my reasons so shut and listen. Rule number three..the sentinels you see positioned around the room are there to watch you carefully for any signs of cheating-" A light bulb went up as the true meaning of the exam started to make sense for the people in the room if they're smart enough.

"So..he wants us to cheat..?/So the point is to cheat?" Thought Kosuke and Haruto respectively. "Well shit." Ibiki continued. "And for every incident they spot they subtract two points from the culprits score." Kosuke nodded his head. "You're not really cut out if you're caught." The genin looked displeased. Ibiki smirked. "Be warned..their eyes are extremely sharp and if they catch you five times you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored. Anyone foolish enough to be caught cheating doesn't deserve to be here." Haruto gave him the stink eye. "Sheesh, only someone like Kosuke would agree with him." A chunin smirked and deliver his piece.

"I got my eye on you guys." Midori shudder. "Men are so creepy sometimes." Ibiki kept going. "If you wanna be consider shinobi then show us what exceptional shinobi you can be. One more thing if any candidate should get a zero and fail the test than the entire team fails." Kosuke and Haruto sighed. "Well Naruto's team is definitely screwed." The duo looked up. "The final question won't be given out until fifteen minutes before the end of the testing period. You'll have one hour total." Midori look down at her test so excitedly. "This is so easy." Kosuke and Haruto look down at their test with dread not because it was hard but because.."This is so easy...damn Midori! Damn her and her lectures and academic prowess!" As time went on during the exam, teams were being kicked out left and right. "Wow they suck..well at least we're getting rid of the weaklings." Kosuke thought. Haruto felt a shudder. "I could feel Kosuke being a bastard. How in hell is he a medic?...nevermind." After the last team left the room things got real. "Now that we've weeded out some of the more hopeless cases, there are 15 minutes to go. Time for the main event. Alright listen up! Here's the tenth and final question! But before I give you the question there are some more rules you need to be aware of." Kosuke rolled his eyes. "There sure are a lot rules to get your licence to kill someone. We are a civilized folk." He thought sarcastically. Haruto gave him a look. Kosuke raised his hands in surrender. "Okay I'll be nice." Ibiki gave them a look like he saw but just continued on. "Ah made it just in time." it was the sand nin that had left a while ago.

Kosuke stared at the sand nin's face. Haruto gave Kosuke a look. Kosuke gave Haruto a look of disbelief. Haruto gave Kosuke an even more pointed look. Kosuke scoffed but turned away. "Can't believe it..that kid looks like he doesn't know if he's a ninja or a circus performer..or male but what the hell do I know. Oh right! These answers to these questions! Be nicer my ass!" Midori snuck a giggle behind her hand. "Looks like Haruto scolded Kosuke again." Ibiki made a asshole comment and told the nin to take his seat. "These rules are unique to question ten listen carefully and try not to let them frighten you. Very well then..rule number one, one of you is free to choose not to be given the final question. It's your decision. Haruto and Kosuke exchange glances. This is going to be a long and agonising Chunin Exam. (End of chapter One)   

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