How could you?

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"You ok kid?" Steve asked sitting beside me in the plane.

"Just...Still not used to missions" I laughed. Today I had been called in to help on a mission, which was rare, and I was only called in when they absolutely needed me.

"Well you know we wouldn't put you in harm's way if we didn't need you" Steve joked.

"Oh thanks" I laughed.

"I'm kidding, we've all got your back Ellie, nothing will happen. But Tony thought it would be a good chance to try out some new stuff he added to the suit" he commented, pointing to the armor encasing my body. It was true, Tony was like another brother to me, and because of that bond, he felt that I needed my own suit. But not just any suit, a female iron man suit, or as he called it, the Iron Maiden. Which was pretty much an iron man suit, but instead of a helmet, it was a visor screen with a mic. Smiling, I nodded.

"I know, and I have your backs too" He smiled at my comment, before standing and walking back to the front. In an instant I noticed that the seat beside me was filled once more, and I could tell who it was before even looking.

"Nervous Speedy?" I smirked

"Of course not" He laughed.

"I was coming to see if you were printsessa"

"Nope" I replied taking a deep breath, though I could see him raise a brow out of the corner of my eye.

"Maybe a little" I stated, releasing the breath.

"I'm just still not used to this" I added, gesturing to the plane and everyone suited up, ready for battle.

"Ah see, that is the problem with you not coming along, you do not get used to it" he replied, I nodded, he honestly was right, if I went on more missions my reaction would be the same as everyone else, just another day.

"Do not worry printsessa, I will protect you" He smiled, leaning over to kiss my cheek. My face flushed as I looked over at him, a smile spread across his lips.

"You know that my parents aren't around...You don't have to-" I started, but he cut me off.

"I know, but I wanted to" He smiled, before I could say anything else, a new voice rang out.

"Ok this is where we will be landing, Ellie will stay high, we will rely on the new thermal imaging capabilities of the suit, understood everyone?" Steve ordered, everyone nodded, and readied to jump. I stood as well, ready to take to the skys.

"Good luck" I smiled, before taking off. Once in position I scanned the surroundings, after the last scope out of a Hydra base, the group reported that it was empty, and most likely a decoy. This one though, this had to be the main base, the amount of people was slightly terrifying. But I knew if anyone could take these guys down, it would be the gang.

"We're on the ground" I heard Steve's voice in my ear.

"Roger that, you have five men ten yards ahead of you, two to your twelve, one to your two, and two to your ten" I responded.

"Copy that"

It wasn't long before I heard gunfire and yelling, and I watched as the men were taken down, but the noise had drew some attention.

"You have ten men headed your way, pairs on wheels" I spoke into the mic, watching as the team advanced, easily taking out the next people.

"The building is on high alert fellas, no sneak attack this time"

"When does a sneak attack ever actually work?" Pietro laughed, hinting at the base that he and Wanda had been at.

"With us, hardly ever" Clint replied.

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