Nightmares reveal hidden pasts

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Ok so this one is very feelzy I will warn. Writing this much about my childhood...brought up a lot of stuff for me, but it also helped me get closure on some things as well. But this explains the trust issues that Ellie has. Also, Pietro's part is a direct quote from the movie. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, hopefully the next one will be happier lol.

The next few days were thankfully, lazy days, spent either hanging out with Wanda and the gang, or laying around my house watching Netflix. Everything was actually very calm between Pietro and I, we "practiced" being a couple more, and slowly it was becoming easier.

The night started out as any other, but around three AM I was awoken by a noise, or rather, a whimper. Slowly opening my eyes, I found myself trying to adjust to the darkness while listening for the sound. Soon I heard it again, only this time it was followed by words.

"No...Mom...Dad..." the voice I knew, and my eyes fell upon the figure beside me.

'He's having a nightmare' I realized, wondering now if I should wake him up, or let him wake up on his own. His head fell from one side to the other, while his breathing picked up. From the bit of moonlight that came through the window I could see the sweat glistening along his face and chest.

'this is a bad one'

"Pietro" I whispered, resting my hand on his chest, feeling his heart racing beneath my fingertips.

"Pietro wake up" I spoke a little louder, shaking him slightly, but sill he didn't wake.

"Pietro wake up" I shook him a bit harder, his eyes snapped open, and his body shot up. His breaths were coming out in pants and he blinked while looking around the room. His eyes soon fell onto mine as he swallowed.

"Elizabeth?" he asked.

"It's ok Pietro, it was just a nightmare" I told him, resting my hand on his shoulder. He shook his head, before reaching for his jeans. I thought he was getting dressed, maybe going for a walk to clear his head, but instead I watched as he pulled out something from the pocket.

"It wasn't a nightmare...It was a memory" He stated, holding the item in his hand. From the small amount of light, I could barely make it out, but once I could, my heart hurt for him. The item was a small picture, of himself and Wanda when they were young, and their parents. I knew he had lost them, I remember reading it in his files, but that was all I knew.

"I'm so sorry sweety" I spoke, my arm reaching around his torso while I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I see it happen over and over, just as it did...But I cannot help...I cannot save them" He spoke softly.

"Wanda and I...We were ten years old, we were having dinner, the four of us." He starts.

"The first shell hits two floors below us, it makes a hole in the floor...Big. Our parents go in, and the whole build starts coming apart. I grab Wanda, and roll under the bed, The second shell hits...But...It doesn't go off. It just sit there in the rubble, three feet from our faces. And on the side of the shell, is painted one word...Stark" My eyes widened while my head raised from his shoulder, I turned to look at him, his eyes still on the picture. I knew he and Tony didn't get along, everyone had told me about how the twins used to work alongside Ultron, but I never knew the reasoning. I honestly couldn't blame him, I would have had the same reaction.

"We were trapped, for two days. Every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks...We both swore it would set it off. We waited for two days...For Tony Stark to kill us" he finished. I honestly didn't know what to say, what do you say to comfort someone who had been through such a thing? I hugged him tighter, pushing my nervousness aside as I kissed his shoulder. The muscles relaxed under my touch, and his body seemed to calm, if only a small amount.

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