Baby, Do I Love You?

Start from the beginning

"Well, shit. I had about 3 abortions. The first time was in 10th grade,  2nd time our senior year and the 3rd time was the day I met you in the Diner. It's gets easier with time." Desiree smiles.

I shoot Desiree a cold look. Suddenly my phone rings.

"Hello." I answer. 

"Really?  So, I guess we ain't together no more huh?" Melrose implies.

"I'm going through a crisis, you can come over now. I am ready to talk." I invite.

"You think you can disappear for a week then have me rush to your aid when you're ready? You could've been cheating on me or what the fuck ever you were doing. You know I was worried sick?" Melrose voice shakes.

"I wasn't cheating, can you please come over. It's important." I beg.

"Aite." Melrose hangs up.

"So, you keeping it I guess. Your decision but everything is going to change. Everything." Desiree says, as she files her nails.

"I recently got a Modeling contract with Ford models. Feemo owns a couple of modeling agencies and gave me the hook up. I signed my contract about 2 weeks ago but now it's all over for me." I hang my head down.

"Damn, girl and you just now tellin me? Shid, If it were me, I'd get rid of the lil mothafucka asap!" Desiree blurts.

About 10 minutes later, Melrose arrives with concern and anger written all over her face and looks even more pissed off when she sees that Desiree is here.

"What The Fuck is going on Jade!?" Melrose yells.

"I'm pregnant!" I fall to my knees and cover my face and shame.

Melrose takes a few steps back with a blank expression on her face. "From who?" 

"I don't know." I admit and cry louder.

Melrose looks at Desiree, Desiree shrugs. Melrose licks her lips, clenches her jaw, and shakes her head.

Melrose clears her throat. "How far along are you?"

"Doctor said 3 weeks, a week ago, so 4 now I guess." I look up wiping my tears.

" gon keep it?" Melrose asks in a low tone.

"I don't know. I haven't decided. A part of me doesn't but a part of me can't." I dust myself off and plop on the couch.

"What about your modeling and stuff? Is you even ready to be a mom" Melrose questions with painful eyes.

"I don't know the answer to anything, Melrose. I'm sorry but I realize this happen before we were together and I am just now finding out about it." I take a deep breath and try to collect my thoughts.

"Are you absolutely certain that you're pregnant?" Melrose questions again, with disgust written on her face.

"Yes! Doctor tested my blood and I took 6 different pregnancy tests that all said I'm pregnant." I cry.

"This is too much drama for me today. All I gotta say is I know a place where you can get rid of it for $550 if you decide to but for now I'ma head out." Desiree kisses me on the forehead and struts out.

Melrose looks at her as she leaves with a disgusted expression.

"I hate to say it, Jade but she's right." Melrose shakes her head.

"Right about what?" I almost yell.

"About getting rid of it. I mean, you don't know who the father is, you're only 18, you just got signed to one of the top modeling agencies in the world, and if it's Majesty's,  you know I'm going to have to break up with your ass for good. Like, I love you death but I just couldn't do it." Melrose admits, shaking her head.

"So, you're asking me to choose between you and my unborn baby?" I raise my eyebrow and narrow my eyes at Melrose.

"Nah, I'm just saying you ain't ready and if you do decide to keep it and it turns out to Majesty's, I'm in no way ok with that and can no longer continue this relationship with you." Melrose shrugs.

"Then you don't love me. Everyone messes up in life! I ain't perfect in any shape or form. I do fucked up shit but at the end of the day, I'm a good person and I deserve love and someone to be down for me no matter what!" I scream

"Are you down for me no matter what, Jade!" Melrose screams back

"Yes!" I run upstairs to my room.

A little bit later Melrose comes into my room and lays next to me in silence for a little bit. 

"I'm sorry. This is just really hard to digest. It seems like everytime we think we get our shit together, it crashes and burns. I mean, ima try to stay down for you and be with you as long as my heart can take it but I'm telling you if that's Majesty's baby growing inside you, I can't stay." Melrose whispers as she rubs my hand.

(A/N Who do y'all think is the father? Should Jade keep the baby? Boy or Girl? Thanks for reading. Please comment & vote :)

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