Chapter 11

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It's officially Christmas break! Maybe I can finish this book thing lol! Now, if you read chapter 10 and you didn't want the baby, you're in the right place, yeah :) ? And now, if you wanted that baby child, go on to chapter 12! Later taters haha :) 

"I can't keep the baby, Levi. My dad would go ballistic."

"I understand (y/n), it might be too much to handle for the both of us right now." Levi gives you a hug. 

"I'll schedule an appointment, and we'll have to wait a month."

A couple moments of silence pass. Levi sighs and tries to brighten your day. "I know this may not be the best time and I was saving this until your Christmas but,"  he gets on one knee, "Will you marry me."

You were stunned. You can't speak. You swallow the lump in your throat. "Um...Yes. Yes I will marry you."

He picks you up and spins you around. He laughs and smiles and you smile with him. "If this is too much right now, don't hesitate to tell me ok?"

"Ok." you blush a bit. 

Later, you go change into fresh clothes and get ready for the day. Makeup and all done and a 10/10. You grabbed a purse and headed to the best doctor in LA. 

"I need to see Dr. Montague."

"I'm sorry hun, you need an appointment."

"Please it's very urgent." you lie, "I don't mind waiting."

The secretary sighs, "Fine. With the set appointments, it's going to take at least 45 minuets. I'll let you know when you can head in."

"That's fine and thank you."

You sit down and pull out your phone. You look through Instagram, nothing. You look through Facebook, nothing. And finally Twitter. Now there was something. Your fiance had announced you were getting married, sometime in the fall. It already had several thousand retweets, replies, and a lot of hearts. Most of the comments were nice and congratulatory, and the other small percent was negative, but you chose to ignore it. 

You call your best friend back in Oklahoma. You talk for a half hour, while that social media event took the remaining 15. It was time to go in.

Dr. Montague walks out and send off one of his patients. He glances at you then to his clipboard, then back to the secretary. 

"Margareet, who is this?"

"Unscheduled appointment sir.

"How long until the next appointment?"

You hear computer clicks from afar, "30 minuets, sir."

"Well that's plenty of time!" He approaches and sits in the chair next to you. "Hello, how are you today?"

"I'm fine. And you?"

"Just peachy? Now if you could come with me Ms.-"

"It's just (y/n), for now."

"Ah yes, come with me." 

He closes the door as you sit in a chair. The doctor logs onto another page. "Now, what seems to be your trouble, (y/n)?" 

You sigh, "Well I found out this morning I was pregnant. And I've decided not to keep the baby."

"I see." he scratches his grey beard, "There is this new pill that our doctors our trying out. The pill is to trigger abortion without the surgery or anything strenuous. It 'gets rid of' the unborn child natural and fast. It supposed to work within 2 weeks of the first sign of an unwanted pregnancy. So, with your consent, you can get this. I'll give you a minuet to think about it."

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