Lily vs. Being a kid and new worlds

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A girl with long dark hair watched as her friends,and superiors ,made a grand speech of the devils return.Her orange gold eyes were filled with rage,rage pointed at the person who was making them leave their home in the first place.Emilia The Hero. Oh how that name made her gag.As the two older males flew into the portal the girl was suddenly filled with fear.

'WHERE ARE THEY GOING'she thought frantically, knowing if they left she would be left in charge.Now the girl had nothing against her people.....but she didn't exactly know how to rule a whole army of demons!!Without another thought she unfolded her obsidian colored wings and shot her self into the portal.

'I hope they don't do anything stupid before I arrive....' she closed her eyes and waited for her journey in the gate to come to a close.She thought of how she would miss her home dearly and then............everything went black.


Time skip to Tokyo^^^^^ Lilly'sPOV:

"Ahh what happened!?"I looked at my surroundings franticly as if the cold ground would answer my questions. It was then I realized that I was no longer in Ente Isla, my home..... all at once the memories came rushing back to me like a stream of horrible nightmares.....Emilia attacking.....Satan and Alciel going through the stupidly following them....and getting knocked out as I landed in this world. But how did I get knocked out? I didn't have time to think I needed t-

"Hey look boss here's another one...hey boys this little lady with you?"A strange man asked as he approached me.Looking at his outfit I could tell he was some sort if authoritative figure in this world as a knight was in Ente Isla. I was about question the twat when he grabbed my hand...... My face contorted in rage if the energy around me was vusible it would be a clear blood red, I was beyond furious.

"Untanx pe cou meajanh jyup I ap wallen anvle Igc anx I fill tage couk joulj wok htij!!!!!!"(translation:Unhand me you peasant scum I am Demon General Lillith also known as the princess of calamity, and I will have your souls for this!!!!!!)I wouldn't actually take the souls of those I threatened ,even though, if I really wanted to, I was more then capable of doing so.

"Calm down little girl and join your friends"He said smugly as he dragged me out of the ally way....wait did he just call me LITTLE GIRL!?!?!?!?!........AW HELL TO THE NAW ITS ON I SWEAR HE WILL PAY.I struggled in his grip until I heard someone speak in my native tounge 'Has someone followed us from Ente Isla ?' The voice was rough but at the same time smooth, one that I some how found comforting.

'Wait I know that voice.......'I looked around the corner of the ally way as I was now walking with the oddly dressed man. My eyes were met with a familiar looking duo, but they were very different from the last time I saw them, look-wise anyway.

"Jahan Alyiel I wounx cou! "( Satan, Alciel I found you!) I wiggled out of the strange man's grip and ran to go greet my brother and friend . As I made my way to them I couldn't help but notice how much taller they appeared to be....or had I gotten smaller?

(This will be them talking in Ente Islan)

"Wait are you..."Alciel trailed off

"Yes tis me Alciel, Lilith!!!!"I stated proudly.I noticed they were still giving me strange looks, and I had no clue as to why. Was there something on my face?

Lily vs. Earth (The Devil Is a part timer Fanfic )Lucifer xOCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें