Chapter 2

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Hi author here there might be some smut later in this story.

~ You are Tavros ~
There was a test in Mrs. Drakes class, thank goodness you studied.
You go through 3 more classes then schools over. You say your goodbyes to your friends then make you way home. You live in an apartment with your older brother, Rufio. Your parents died when you were young. Rufio takes care of you now. All of a sudden you stop. You can here her coming, her red boots clicking on the walkway.
"Tavros!!!!~", she screams.
You wince, Vriska.
"Hey~ Tavvy, are you ignoring me?!"
"Uh, no, um what do you want Vriska?"
Vriska walks in front of you, making you halt. She has long blonde hair pulled into a messy braid, she also has the Dark blue makeup on.
"Dont ignore me, Tavvy.", she says sternly
I try to walk on but she pushes me down to the ground,
"Dont fucking ignore me.", she leaves me sitting on the ground, my knee scuffed and my hands are bleeding.
I slowly get up, it's hard because I only have half legs. Then I make my way home to clean myself up.
When you make it home your slightly shaking, all that walking plus the falling has taken a toll on yourself. You get you keys and try to put them in the lock, but they fall. You start to get them, but your legs are hurting and it's practically impossible. So you start to cry, you a 19 year old and you can't pick up a pair of keys? Through all this crying you failed to notice a very tall figure walking your way, through the tears you see the figure pick up your keys and give them to you.
You wipe the tears from your eyes and get a better look. He has dark violet eyes, messy black hair, and has on baggy pants. For some reason this stranger has made you feel a little less terrible. You have no idea why.

~ Be Gamzee ~
The rest of your first day goes ok. You went to the wrong class in 5th period so you missed that one. You spend the other 2 classes thinking how you will get that little Latino to be your bro.
You start walking home. Your brother, Kurloz used to live with you, but after rehab he left. You don't mind him leaving, it's good living alone; no one to bug you.
You reach you apartment building and take the elevator up to your room, the rehab center pays your home until you get a steady job. You walk out of the elevator and see him.
The little Latino boy, your eyes widen in surprise of all the places in the world. You start to smile but then you realise he's crying and bleeding on his hands and knees. You make your way to him, slowly making sure you act cool. You see a pair of slightly bloody keys and pick them up. The little Latino notices you and starts to panic.
"Uh, I'm sorry,I-I'm sorry I-if I'm in your w-way.", he says in a hurry.
" No your not in my way, lil Motherfucker! I'm here to help, bro!"
You say a grin on your face.
" Uhh, Motherfu..?"
You don't let him finish, you start to lift/help him up. He winces. You put one arm around his waist and the other with the keys, you unlock the door.
You look at him as you open the door, he's slightly blushing. You and him enter his house, similar to yours but is way cleaner.
"Here yah go", you sit him on the couch and go to the bathroom to look for something to clean his hands and knees with.
"Hey lil Motherfucker, do you have any wipes or something like that?", you shout to the living room.
"Yeah, uh ,I-in the b-bathroom", he replies you can barely hear him. You find some wipes and go back to the living room. The little guy is trying to wipe his eyes, but it's just smudging the blood on his face.
" Here lil bro, don't do that.",you start on his knees, wiping the blood of slowly so you don't hurt him.
"Uh,, w-why are y-you doing t-this, uh, I mean w-why are you helping m-me?", the little one says like a whisper.
"Well I can't let a bro suffer! And you seemed hurt.", you say happily. You move to his hands wiping off the blood.
"B-but we uh, d-don't even know each other.", he says.
"Well my name is Gamzee Makara! Live on the 4th floor like you , apartment 5D.", you say.
"Uh, M-my name is uh, T-Tavros Nitram, I live uh, here I guess.", he sort of laughs at his own words and it makes your heart turn into butterflies. You finish his hands and start wiping his face gently. You meet his light brown, almost orange eyes and just stare. He just stares back. Once your done you sit beside him
"So Tavros, would you consider being my bro?", you ask nonchalant.
"Y-you mean like a uh, friend?", he says looking at the tv that's turned off.
"Sure, like a friend", you say.
"W-well I know we uh, j-just met and all, b-but if you didn't m-mind uh, I'd love to.", he says and you almost burst open. A huge grin spreads across your face like wild fire.
"Really?! That's motherfucken amazing! Miracles amazing!"
"Heh w-well I don't have a lot of friends, uh, only like 3, and t-they would mind another in our little group ,uh, thingy, I guess.", Tavros says. "S-so do you uh, go to school?", he asks.
"Yeah, just started yesterday. Alternia High.", you say.
"R-really?! I go there!", even though you knew this you still act surprised.
"Well maybe will see each other, Tavbro!---?", you see this man in the doorway.
"Oh, Rufio!", Tavros says "T-this is my friend Gamzee".
"Sup, I was just leaving, so no need to tell me to leave", you say.
"Hah", Rufios voice is equally a deep man's voice and yet also a young boys voice. "Any friend of Tavros is a friend of mine".
You get up and make your way to the door and turn and say bye, Tavros says bye. As you walk to your apartment you grin, your master miracle plan has worked, Tavros is now your bro.

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