Do not read!

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Falling onto my bed, with my shoes still on, I made myself comfy. With a small smile, I pulled the worn leather diary out from underneath my pillow. Yes, it's such a cliche place to hide it, but it worked until I found a better hiding spot in my room.

Flipping open the cover, I let my fingers trail along the old ink markings of my grandmother's initials and the classic "For Waverly's eyes only. DO NOT READ!"

Despite the warning, I still felt as if I had a right to read the content theses pages held. After all, I am her granddaughter, and she was dead.

Turning the page, I began to read the story I'd never really heard.

March 17, 2012

Dear Diary,

I don't really know what to write in a diary. My mother told me to write down my days events, or my feelings, but I feel as if you're my silent friend, so I'll just tell you stories. Yeah, that sounds good. Oh, look at me, writing on a piece of paper, as if it can actually hear me. Hah!

Anyways, something exciting happen to me at work today, I think that's the reason I decided to write in you. Maybe I'll only write in you if something exciting happens. Well, looks like you're not getting put to much use! Hahahaha. Anyways, I was going to tell a story.

So, I walked into work, and my boss called us into a meeting. You see, I work as a maid in this Fancy Hotel called 'Henley's Suites'. We're not really known around New York, but it pays good, so I don't mind. But the boss calls us in, and I go and take my normal seat...standing against the wall in the tiny ass room he likes to called the "meeting room". Yeah, more like "Let's see if all thirty employees can fit in a room made for eight people".

Oh, my boss's name is Henry. Which, I find funny, cause the place is called 'Henley's'. Diary, excuse me, but you'll have to get used to my lack of real humor. But, Henry quites us down, after a good fifteen minutes of trying, by finally yelling Shut Up really, really loud. When everyone was silent, he spoke.

"A rather famous Band check into some of our rooms earlier this morning. It is your job to make sure paparazzi do not get to them, nor fans, and you must not pester them yourselves. Anyone who doesn't comply with these rules, will be instantly fired on the spot. Now, get back to your jobs."

He turned and walked away, and I listened to the room speculate about who said band could possibly be. Sandra, my maid/best friend in crime, gushed on and on about how she hoped it was her favorite artist; Frank Ocean. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her, nudging her on so we could check out our carts for the day, and find out which floors we were assigned too.

Turns out I got floors Four, Five, and eight. Sandra got floors Two, Six, and Seven. It was one of those rare days when we didn't work together at all. Sighing, we parted ways, and I went to do my job.

It took around three hours to clean floors Four and Five, but that's mainly because I listened to my trusty Ipod and slacked a little of what I was doing, so I ended up having to redo everything twice. It wasn't really a big deal.

I was heading up to floor Eight, via elevator, when a guy stepped in right behind me. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Right as I pushed the button to eight, he chimed in, and went, "Well, looks like we're heading up to the same floor then, eh?" I turned around, because his British accent was so charming. 

"Yeah, it's a good thing." The guy was incredibly cute, seemed to be at least twenty, and have these incredible blue-ish grey eyes. They were captivating, Diary. And that's when he said, "I'm Louis, by the way."

Louis, what a lovely name. Plus, I'd never heard Louis pronounced 'Loo-ee'. But then again, I guess that's how the Brits say it.

"My name is Waverly." I smiled back, hoping maybe this guy was up for maybe a little flirting. That's mainly because anyone who checked into the Henley was either a freshly married couple, old business men and women, or just old people. It was nice to see a fresh young face.

Louis had opened his mouth to say something, when the elevator suddenly came to a stop. But, the door wasn't opening it, and when I looked, it seemed as if we were stuck between floors. I turned to give the guy a reassuring smile. 

"Don't panic," I said, "our elevators are jankey all the time. I'll give a call to maintenance."

He just looked at me, and nodded, and pulled his phone out of his pocket. I sighed, and grabbed the walky-talky I had hanging off of the edge of my cart.

Pressing the button, I spoke into it, "Hey, George, it seems the elevator is going loopy. I have a guest stuck in here with me."

A fuzzy noise came across, and I got a fuzzy reply. But, George's voice was deep, so it was easy to understand, "Yeah? What floors are you stuck between this time?"

Louis chuckled then, "So, this happens a lot?" I merely smiled some more, and finally let out a small laugh myself.

"Yeah," I replied to him, and turned back to my walky, pressing the button down, "We're between seven and eight."

"Okie, I'll send up Jaiden, and get you guys a moving, but it's gonna take at least thirty minutes." George said.

I sighed, leaning against the wall, and that was when I caught Louis staring at me, and what he said had me rolling, "You know, I've never been stuck in a lift with a pretty girl before."

My face fell beat red, and my palms began to sweet. Never have I ever actually ever had a British,  a really hot British, guy flirt with me, so openly on what he called a "lift" I was so thrilled! Taking a deep breath, I turned back to him and flashed him an award winning smile, "Well, we offer the best service we can to our guests." I couldn't believe those words actually came out of my mouth, diary! Me! Saying something to direct towards a freaking guest! For some strange reason, I was totally okay with it. 

"So, gorgeous," He said, pushing his hair out of his eyes, " What's a pretty girl like you working this shab of a job?" I looked over at him, no one had ever asked me why I work such a crappy job."

Yawning, I closed the Diary, barely two pages in, sleepiness over coming me. I placed my bookmark in place, and hide it back underneath my pillow. Shimming my shoes off, I soon slipped under my covers and fell into a deep, lovely sleep. I don't know why, but even on the day my grandmother was buried in the ground, life was some how still okay.


Cliff hanger!:D

So, I am in the mood to update stuff, so Imma do it all at once! Plus, I really need to update! Oops, lol. 

Anyways, here it is!:)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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