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You sat up in bed and yawned. You wandered why your alarm clock had gone off this early. But then you remembered, today was the day ever 16-year-old had been waiting for. Today you would take the aptitude tests.

You half jumped out of bed when remembering this. You put on a red and yellow flannel shirt with jeans; Amity colors. You wondered if you would be wearing those colors much longer. If you got what you were hoping for on the aptitude test, then you wouldn't.

You sat down at the breakfast table to a bowl of whole wheat cereal and a cup orange juice. The Amity are all about farming and all that good stuff. Thanks to your parents being Amity, you'd been born into a faction where you could never eat a hamburger.

"Hey (y/n), exited?" Your mom said. "Heh, more like terrified." You replied. "No need to be," your mom said in an attempt to comfort you. It didn't work. "Sure..." you said. It was starting to get akward, so in attempt to change the subject you spoke up. "So... where's dad?" Your mom frowned. "Work." Of course. He was always working.

You got in the back of a truck wih your friends. The truck was usually used to transport apples and oranges, but it was sometimes used as a bus for Amity high-schoolers. As you sat, you could hear fimiliar voices asking, "What do you think you'll get? (Y/N)? (Y/N)!?" You realized that these voices belonged to your friends, and that they were asking you what faction you were expecting as a result.

"Oh, umm... Dauntless. Mabye Erudite." You responded. Their jaws dropped. "But the Dauntless are always so... so... violent!!" Your friend Natasha said, gasping. You only shrug and brush it off.

Once it was at the front doors of the high school, the truck came to
stop. You hopped out and sprinted towards the door. An Abnegation boy held the door for you, noticing that you would have slammed into it had he not. That certainly wouldn't have boosted your confidence. You mouhed a quick 'thank you' even though you knew that the Abnegation didn't expect anything in return for good deeds. You almost wished that he hadn't opened that door, though. Because through those doors was a test that no one could have studied for.

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