Just Another Day

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Author's Notes:

This is my first time posting on Wattpad. I have quite a few stories posted on FF.net under the name Molly Myles (Coincidence? Think not).

This fic was inspired by a dream I had, and follows pretty closely to the details I remember, set to the tune of CW and Eric Kripke's Supernatural. The title and chapter titles are from the song Just Another Day by Oingo Boingo. Obviously, the song, characters and themes of the fic do not in any way shape or form belong to me. All I claim is the words strung together in the order which they are received.

This fic is un-beta'd, so there may be a few mistakes.


There is kissing. With boys. Two boys kissing. Inferred other things, but there's nothing explicit at all here, just some kissing, and even that's described pretty vaguely. Kissing and boys. And kissing. I hope that's clear.

Also, there's a lot of Dean in this fic, so expect there to be some strong language. Like, every time he opens his mouth. Which is a lot.

**SPOILERS!!!** There are spoilers through the finale of season 8, so be warned; if you haven't finished season 8 yet, you may (or may not) want to hold off here - there is some divergence, but there's also a lot of canon here.

Chapter One: There's Life Underground

All evidence had pointed toward Djinn when they had started this case two days ago.

Despite Sam's declining health from the trials, they had packed up and set out for Wamego, Kansas on a lead from Garth of five victims who were reported to have been found near an abandoned manufacturing plant. All five had been in a comatose state with a single puncture wound at the joining of the neck and left shoulder. After a day or two, the victims woke, insisting they had lived another life whilst they'd been unconscious. The only thing that had seemed kind of odd at the time was that all the victims were recovered alive, and no outstanding missing persons reports had been filed in the area since the strange occurences had begun roughly three weeks before.

So when Dean plunged the knife dipped in lamb's blood into the thing's breast only to be met with an irritated hiss and a pair of yellow, reptilian eyes, it went without saying that he was surprised. She wasn't quite the picture of the typical Djinn, either; she could almost pass as human, if it weren't for the freaky lizard eyes and olive toned skin that almost looked tinged green. She was tall-ish, dark brown hair falling down her back in tight waves, dressed head to toe in denim with a black t-shirt and biker boots, statuesque with the profile of a Greek cameo. If she'd been human, she'd totally have been the kind of chick Dean could find himself sharing space with at the end of the night. But man, those eyes. Yeah, that totally ruined it for him.

The creature pulled the blade out of her chest, looking it over calmly before turning eyes like slits back toward the hunter, seeming almost amused beneath the anger at having been stabbed. It reminded Dean of a time years ago, in a particular barn, faced with something powerful and unknown. This particular encounter, however, didn't leave him the slightest bit warm and fuzzy.

Sam was somewhere in the warehouse. He had to take this bitch out before it could get to Sammy.

Only problem was, if a knife dipped in lamb's blood didn't take her out then what the crap was she, and how the hell was he supposed to put her down?

Instinct took over then, and Dean struck out with what he had left, fists and elbows and knees, punching and kicking and writhing with the nameless creature in front of him. The serpent-woman hissed and bobbed and jigged, avoiding and blocking every blow with fluid ease, and it was pissing Dean off. Why wasn't she attacking? What the hell was the deal here?

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