Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV:

Bree and I were taking turns braiding each others hair. I kept thinking about just how happy I was that Adam, Bree, and Chase are here. Now that Bree's here, I finally have another girl around who can talk about girl things with me, like make up and clothes. But I was also incredibly thankful; they helped me get my powers back, untainted.

"Bree, your hair is so pretty!" I said.

"Mine? No, yours is way prettier! And I absolutely adore that pink streak!" Bree said.

I smiled and continued braiding her hair, and began thinking about Adam. Adam was so tall...and macho, sure he wasn't the brightest, and he was more like Kaz. Actually, I think that Adam is smarter than Kaz. I really had a crush on Adam, and I debated on whether or not I should tell Bree.

"She might be able to help you two get together." I thought. "But what if Adam doesn't like me?" I wondered.

"You're kind of quiet," Bree said, "you okay?"

I wondered how long I'd been thinking about Adam for. Definitely long enough for it to be suspicious.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"No reason, you just haven't answered my question." Bree said.

"What was your question?" I asked.

Bree laughed, "Were you thinking about Adam?"

I froze.

Bree laughed again, "I'll take that as a yes."

"Pfffft! What would make you say something like that?" I asked.

"Because I see the way you look at him. You don't pick on him because he's not as bright as everyone else. You always tell him you like him just the way he is. Also, you two do spend quite a bit of time together." Bree observed.

"I..." I began.

"It's alright if you do, I can talk to him for you if you want." Bree said.

I smiled and gave her a hug. "Thanks Bree! You're the best girlfriend I've ever had!"

"And you are mine." Bree smiled

"Could we go now?" I asked, anxious

"Boy, someone's antsy to date Adam." Bree said.

I sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, let's go!" Bree said, grabbing my arm, and we super sped to the ER of Mighty Med.

"Hey girls! How's it going?" Horace Diaz asked.

"Hey, were fine, hey, have you seen Adam anywhere?" I asked.

"There in the weight room, having a hot dog eating contest!"

"Huh, I didn't know anyone knew how to make hot dogs." Bree said.

"They don't. Solar Flare is making them."

"So there eating burnt hot dogs?" Bree asked.

Horace laughed, "That's right! You should watch! I hear their faces of disgust are hilarious!"

"How would you know?" I asked.

"Alan's texting me pictures right now!" Horace said, pulling out his phone and showing us.

"Awe! Adam's disgusted face is so cute!" I said.

"Don't tell me, Skylar has a crush on Adam?" Horace said.

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