Out in the Open

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The Library guard stood at the end of the flashlight and said. "Okay you two break it up, and don't let me catch you to clowns in here again." In my mind I was thinking, what... wait why but how... whatever. I had know idea why the guard was letting us go, but Levi had it all figured out. The guard lead us the the front doors and lock them as we entered the fringed snowy weather. The only things I was wearing was a sweated and my daisy dukes. I had no shoes on as my feet hit the thick snow. Oh I guess I forgot to tell you I had clothes to chose from. the same woman that brought me food and rare gifts also brought me clothing. The clothing came on a moving hanger.If I new I was going out side today I mite have put on some more clothes.

I felt that my soul was exhilarated, but its needs were not complete. Levi singled me to follow him. We walked down the empty street with apartments on both sides. The apartment building were old fashion very similar to the mid-evil times, but the lights on the street weren't candles they wear bulbs. Me and Levi stopped at one of them and he opened the door quietly. "Were are... " before I could end my sentence Levi shushes me. If you turn to your right there was a steep stairway to the second level then straight ahead was a kitchen and a living room. Levi turn to the stairs and as soon as he put his foot on the the first step. The step creeked loudly, then the light in the kitchen turn on. "Where were you, and who is this" a voice asked. Levi backs down off the stairs and tuns to the mystery voice. Levi looks up to the light and says. " Hi sis what you doing up this early". Levi walks toward his sister with his hand over her eyes. " ha, your funny. Now who's the girl and why are you home so late."
"Oh come on sis it's not like you haven't noticed i'v been gone other nights too."
"I'v noticed, but you've never been out this late before."
"Fine but you should know who she is." The sister looks shocked at Levi then stairs at me. " your joking it can't. I thought." While Levi's sister was making no sense I worked up the nerve to say something. "Do you have something warmer to put on." I whisper to Levi. He stopes staring at his sister to look at me then says. "Oh ya sure my sister should have something that would soot you. Before we could turn around Levi's sister falls out of shock and yells. "Your the girl they keep lock up in a secret chamber." Me and Levi both laugh then I say "It more of a white room in the library." Levi then said "no you said it was a white box remember". We both start laughing hard then. Levi's sister finally joined us. This was one of those moments were we had no idea why we were laughing so hard.

Ones we stop Levi asks his sister to lead me to some clothes that are fit for the snowy weather. We climbed up the stairs and termed into a short hallway with three door in it. Two doors wear on on each wall then on at the end. We didn't enter any of them but stops before the last one. At that time I knottiest the door leading to the attic with the string hanging down so you could reach it. She pulled it down as she beached up so the later wood be able to extend without trouble. "What's your name." I ask. She turns and tells me her name is Raven. Raven then points to the attic and say. "There should be some old clothes up here." I decide to truss her then enter the attic. Before I knew it Raven locked me in the attic. I didn't scream for her to let me out. I kind of just laid down and started to cry.

I found my weakness. My weakness I to be trapped my eye start to close and my body starts to shake. Not in-control of my own body I get comfort from Levi's voice. I hear Levi screaming at his sister before I pass out completely. My eyes barely open to see the attic door open. Not noing who it was when my eyes shut ones more.

When I awoke I was on horseback riding through the cold weather." Hey sleepy head. I thought you never wake up." Levi said as he stared forward occasionally looking back at me. I was leaning up against Levi with my arms laid in front of me. I noticed that I was in skiny geans now an a blanket across my legs. My neck was in pain from my head hanging down and bobbing. I looked up slowly so you wouldn't hit Levi in the face with my head.

"What happened". I mumbled. Levi replied." You had a seizure, caused by an extreme fear. My Raven locked you up in the attic for about a few minutes until I noticed you missing. I got you out and put you in some better clothing, grabbed Shila and road out of town". My head was still processing what was going on."Wait what, you what". I exclaimed. "Hey it was ether skiny geans or you freezing. I thought you'd be happy with skiny geans." Levi answered. "I'm guessing Shila is the horse." I said. "Ya, she was my first horse. I looked down at Shila a beautiful white horse withe black socks around her feet.

"Where we going". I ask." Some wear warmer". Levi jokes. I didn't understand why he laughed after he said that thou."why you laugh?" He stops the horse and looks at me. "You really don't know do you. Spliced has been frozen for about eleven years. A myth says that when a two year old was found in the woods and tooken in to captivity. When that happened this world's heart froze." He nudges the horse directing it forward. "And you think i'm the girl." "Ya. Except I know your her."

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