Chapter Seventeen.

Start from the beginning

He picked up their bags and headed after Iris. Morgan watched him go, she knew what had changed that damn kiss back at her house. He thought it had changed things and while it made her aware of a mutual attraction it didn't change the lifestyle he lived, or the dangers with it.

She couldn't deny it had felt good though, she loved Iris but it felt good to be wanted by a man. To feel like a desirable woman and not a single mother, to feel like somebody wanted her. A small shiver ran down her spine at the memory of his hands on her body, she squashed it down. Right now she just wanted to get Iris somewhere safe.

They crossed the parking lot together, Iris rattling on about the pretty sky, flowers and everything else. The way she bounced back from the injury astounded Morgan, she was on edge at every noise but Iris was completely at peace.

Iris climbed into the truck and slid to the middle, pushing buttons at will and looking at everything, if Wolf noticed he didn't comment as he helped her settle on the seat and did the belt buckle gently.

Morgan didn't speak as they drove to the club, she didn't really need too. Iris kept a steady conversation going for the entire ride and Wolf returned it ten fold, keeping her completely entertained for the ride.

As soon as he parked the truck and Morgan had exited the truck Iris bolted across the parking lot towards the garage.

"Iris, don't run!" Morgan called.

"She's alright," Wolf said.

"If she falls....."

"She won't, she's okay."

"She was shot."

"I know but if moving around hurt, she wouldn't do it. Come on, I'll show you to your room.

He grabbed her bags from the bed of his truck and motioned to the common building. She glanced back at Iris who had wrapped herself around Zeke's legs. Taking a deep breath she followed him into the building.

The main room was surprisingly empty considering the amount of people that were on the lot all together. Sky waved at Morgan from his spot at the bar with Jenny and Becky glanced up from her book with a smile. She pushed from her chair and followed them down the hall.

Wolf paused at a door and pushed it open, inside was a large bed and one dresser.

"I hope this is okay,"He said.

"It'll be fine, thank you."

"My room is uh......right across the hall." He said, sounding nervous for the first time in as long as she'd known him.


"If you.....if you need anything."

"Thank you."

"I'll let you get settled."

He glanced at Becky who was leaning against the door way then quickly ducked out of the room. When he was gone Morgan released a breath she didn't know she was holding as Becky shut the door and gave her a pointed look before sitting on the bed.

"What the hell is that about?"

"I'm not sure."

"Did something happen between you?"

"No," Morgan lied.

"Hmm....oh well, how's Iris?"

"Good, she couldn't wait to get here and see Zeke."

"Yeah.......he's good with kids....." Becky sighed heavily and began picking her nail polish.

"What's that about?"

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now