Chapter 3

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"Relax Lily. She is just having a vision. She will be alright." Gabi said half carrying me to the car. I made my body go stiff so Gabi couldn't drag me.

"Come on Lily.....we have to het her back to the school" Gabi told me as she tried to move me. Some supernaturals have an extra ability. Visions, mind reading, force fields, healing, the elements, etc.

"" I mumbled. I never met a person with an extra. The others simply nodded.

"I will drive" I said taking the keys from Dominic  and started the car. In 10 minutes flat we were back at the school with Hadley in the hospital wing of the school. I took a couple deep breaths as Gabi lead me back to our room.

"That was a fun first day." Gabi told me.

"It was simply lovely" I told her as I went into my room closing the door. Just then I received a text.

Another car? Did you crash your one? Listen young lady, you better not be getting into trouble. Your reputation isn't the only thing on the line. Do you understand? -Father

Great. Just Great I thought as I quickly texted him back.

No I didn't crash nor am I in trouble. I just thought a change would be nice.  Liliana

Of course my father thought the worse. I needed some air I thought as I ran out of my room, down the hall and outside to a garden of some sort. I took a deep breathe and instantly knew that it was going to rain. I love the rain. The rain calms me down. I reached my hands out to form a T with them just as the rain started to pour. That's when I heard the sloshy steps of a person.

Who would be crazy to be out in this downpour I thought. Well other then me of course.

"I know you're there. No point in trying to deny it." The moment I spoke the feet paused. I looked over my shoulder to see this girl. She has a short black bob with brown eyes. She was about two inches taller then me and was a twig.

"Hello, I am Irene Masters.  I was just.."

"Just what? Being a stalker" I questioned with authority in my voice. My father taught how to interrogate and know when someone is lying. All parts of being a great werewolf I quoted my father.

"No. I just wanted to meet you. All I heard when I was growing up was to be like Liliana Dorchester." She said. I took a quick smell. Just what I thought, defiantly a werewolf. Most werewolves were raise to act like councilmen and their children.

"Oh, well nice to meet you. Aren't you in my cultural history class" I said taking a step closer.

"Yes I am." She respond. "Well I will see you later"

"Sure." I gave a quick nod as she ran away to get out of the rain. That was just a little creepy I thought as I started walking towards the forest. Maybe a nice walk will clear my mind.

Extra abilities in super naturals are rare.  Back before the big war, extras were as common as twins. Once the war hit, the council was formed and they decided to keep things fair, all known extras will be killed and their families watched. So the extras went into hiding, all that were left that is, as protection from another mass killing. I glanced and looked around as I heard a noise. I noticed I was on the edge of property lines. Damn I walked about 47 acres.

I gave a quick glanced before I turned and bumped into something.

"Watch it Bambi." I heard a growl. I looked up to see a guy in his mid-20s.

"This is private property. You are not aloud to be here" I told him. He gave me a smug smile.

"Don't I know you Bambi?" He asked me as he circled me. My faced didn't change, but my gut and my brain were screaming danger.

"Not likely. Once again I ask you to leave Prescott Academy property." I gave a short growl showing him I meant business.

"You that one kid...the councilmen kid...... umm... I got it Liliana Dorchester" The guy smiled.

"I don't know her. Sorry" I shrugged my shoulders

"No, you are defiantly her Bambi. I didn't know you were an extra." He growled. An extra? What?

"What the hell are you talking about? I am not an extra" I told him. He gave a quick laugh.

"Do you not know why this school is so elite or why their is only about 25 to 70 kids per grade. How about the fact that all three kinds live in the same school" He voice trailed off. Holy shit, he can't be right. I looked him straight in the eye.

"Get off private property " I growled. He eyes gave a glint and then he was gone. A second later he was on my back pushing me down. I rolled under him and flipped him over. He grabbed me and threw me back a few feet. He came at me and punch me in the face then in the gut. When he went back for my face again I grabbed his closed fist and flipped him. He jumped at me snaking his arm around my neck.

"Come on Bambi. Show me your extra." I gave a growl and struggled. Now I know what you are thinking. Your thinking that because I am a werewolf I can shift. WRONG. I can only shift the week before, the week during, or the week after the full moon. Meaning every 4th week I can't shift. This week is the 4th week. So much for luck.

"I don't have one" I gasped out. He squeezed tighter and dug his teeth into me. I tried to scream out but he was pressing down on my vocal cords. I couldn't deal with the pain anymore and something came free from inside me. The ripple did something to my attacker and he gave a screech. One moment he was here, the next gone. I looked in the direction and saw that the woods were on fire. What the hell I thought as I begun to fade. Spots danced in my vision as I saw someone run towards me. I was lifted up in the air.

"Liliana?" The person screamed as they shook me. It took me a minute to match the voice.

"Ethan...the damn vampire" I whispered as darkness took over.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 22, 2017 ⏰

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