I kick some criminal Bucheeky

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Cap'n America POV

As she slipped on the uniform Fury gave her she smiled at me. "Me warrior!" She said. I smiled and fist pumped her. As we got into the jet she sat next to Natasha and Thor. She was a cute girl. She reminded me of Peggy. With her cute English accent and her wit. We landed in front of a huge dock. There was a boat with LOTS of armed men. Shea pocked me and said
"I am going to make my own little replicas of all the suits, even Furys!" I smiled and it hurt my face. We all piled out until fury said.
"Let Shea fight!" We nodded. Shea jumped out like a ninja and hopped on one of the guys and flipped him the n threw him ingot he water. She did that to a lot of them. We all piled out and started to her. Then a massive hand pulled her into the door way. She screamed. We all jumped in to see a HUGE man with the biggest muscles, be sides my own, ever! Her eyes turned dark green as she kicked him where the sun don't shine and flinched. I snickered. Then he did something I thought impossible. She turned invisible and like a ghost slipped out of his meaty hands. She giggled and appeared next to me. He took a gun that my shield would really vibrate if hit. He shot it at us. The "bullet"was a rocket basically. Then Shea made a force field. It bounced back and sunk into his body. The force field had disappeared and Shea slowly walked over to the man.
"Is h-he d-dead?" She asked. Tears spilled from her eyes. I nodded. She broke down in sobs. I approached her but Natasha slapped my hand and motioned me to let her take care of her.
"He hey, that's what is going to happen sweets!" She said. Shea nodded and got up. We piled into the jet and went home.

Shea POV

I felt bad about killing that guy. I mean just looking at his dead body is really weird. But I'm just going to have to get used to it. we have to share rooms and I'm sharing with Natasha and Clint. AWKWARD!! But here I am in the covers listening to Clint softly snore! Its 12:00 and I'm not asleep yet!

Guys I won't be updating for a while. :( friends over. For a week. H

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