"You want anything with that?" Camille asked as she poured the tequila into two shot glasses.

"Nope, this is perfect," Caroline answered, trying but failing to sound carefree. The blonde quickly downed the shots and then went back to look at the clock. Who was she waiting for in this outfit?

The answer came walking through the door in the form of Elijah Mikaelson and Caroline immediately jumped from her chair. Camille noticed that she was wearing a pair of black pumps, matching her cropped black leather jacket.

There was an awkward moment as Elijah's eyes glided over Caroline's body and then nodded. Camille was at a loss to what was going on but had learned that nothing in this city was as it seemed. Caroline gave her a quick smile before she followed Elijah out the door and Camille winked at her, hoping to see the blonde again soon. If nothing else then simply for the intrigue and entertainment.


Caroline felt very uncomfortable as she moved down a small but crowded alley to get to the house that Elijah had told her about. She felt several eyes on her back from both humans and vampires as she passed them, and she felt a moment relief, when she finally reached the open entrance from where loud music was coming.

Caroline stepped inside the crowded room, which was in two floors and filled with people. In the corner left of her was a vampire about to bite a woman in the neck, but the human didn't seem to mind. She didn't looked compelled either, and Caroline couldn't help but wonder if every human woman in here probably had seen Twilight and thought it was great.

She had no idea how to find Marcel and she wasn't going to ask. He had to come to her Elijah had said. Otherwise it would be too suspicious. It reminded her of all the times she had distracted Klaus. That had been more... thrilling, though. This just gave her a cold feeling of dread she couldn't shake. 

Maybe it was because of the foreign city with no apparent backup, or maybe it was because she didn't know what Marcel was capable of. Klaus had frightened her before and had almost caused her death twice, but he had also saved her more times than she cared to count at this point, and some where in the chaos of it all, he had become a safe place. Or sort of, at least.

She made her way through the dance floor to the bar and ordered another shot of tequila. As she placed the empty shot glass on the bar, she felt a pair of eyes on her and quickly looked up. Marcel was standing on the second floor mezzanine, staring at her with a smile. She gave him a little wave and before he could react, she turned her back on him.

With all her senses pinpointed on him, she wasn't surprised when he suddenly stood right beside her. She ignored him for a few seconds and then turned towards him with a casual smile. His face was lit up in a wide grin and Caroline forced herself not to move away from his proximity. 

"Caroline. Welcome to my city," Marcel said with open arms. This made the people standing nearby raise their glasses to him and Caroline wondered how many ears were listening to their conversation.

"I thought I had come to New Orleans and not Marcel's city. But I guess you have made this town more fun with no witches and all," Caroline replied with raised eyebrows and an impressed look on her face.

"So you've heard of me?" Marcel asked with a self-satisfied smile. Two glasses were suddenly put in front of them and Caroline looked up in confusion, not remembering Marcel ordering anything.

"Well, I've asked around. I was curious," Caroline said with a shrug of her shoulders in attempt to act indifferent but still showing that she was interested. She took a quick sip of her drink to get rid of some nervousness but it didn't seem to help.

"And what did you learn?" Marcel said, leaning towards her with an intensity which made Caroline drown in the dark brown of his eyes.

"Let's just say that I'm impressed by what you've accomplished," Caroline said with a low voice as she looked at him from underneath her eyelashes. She had to stop herself from laughing, when she saw how easy he fell into her trap and Caroline couldn't help but think that his arrogance one day would his downfall. Maybe it already was.

Before he could say anymore she raised her glass towards him and then downed her drink, making him laugh out loud. She put her glass on the bar, winked at him and started walking away from the bar. She felt like everyone's eyes were on her as she walked towards the exit and left 'the King' hanging.

"Until next time, Caroline," Marcel yelled after her without following her.

"If you're lucky," Caroline said into the air without turning around, knowing that he could hear her loud and clear. She could hear his laughter as she stepped out into the cold night and sped away as soon as it was possible to get away from it.

Hell is loose (1) [Klaroline]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें