Chapter 9

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Christina was too weak to do anything. She was too tired of everything. So she just let Adam to decide whether he wanted to kiss her or pull away.

Adam looked up into Christina’s blue eyes meeting them. He saw so much hurt in them, he just couldn’t cause any more pain for her. “I’m sorry” he whispered as his face was still pressed to hers. “If I knew I would never even kiss you”

“You shouldn’t have known. You shouldn’t have found out now.” Christina whispered as he pulled away from her. He picked her in his arms and gently put her on the horse. In a second he sat behind her like they were. But now he felt wrong about this position. He felt awful about what he had caused her and what was causing now.

They headed to the hotel quietly, not saying a word to each other. Coming back Adam helped Christina to get from the horse as he instantly picked her up not letting her stand on the ground for more than one second and carried her to the aid post.

Adam gently put her on the table and stood near her while the doctor was examining her leg.

“You have a dislocation” he said simply as he turned her leg in a way to fix it.

Pain followed doctor’s actions as Christina instantly reached for Adam’s hand and squeezed it hard.

At feeling Christina’s hand clinging into his Adam came closer to her entwining their finger and not letting her hand go until the doctor finished.

“Now everything’s alright” doctor smiled and Adam released Christina’s hand as he picked her up again.

“I can walk on my own now” she said seriously. Being in Adam’s arms felt weird for her especially after today’s talk.

“But you’ll be safer in my arms. And well your leg needs some rest” he walked up to her room and put her in the bed. Making sure she was lying comfortably he lay next to her.

“Won’t you go to your girlfriend?” Christina muttered as he was a couple inches from her on her bed.

“No, I’ll stay here”

“I thought you understood me” she sighed.

“Yes. I did. But not in the way you told me to. I understood that you hate seeing me with her. But you still love when I’m with you. You still love when I’m taking care of you”

Christina smiled lightly. “You turned everything upside down”

“I put everything on the right places” he smiled back taking her hand. “Even if leaving you was really what you wanted I wouldn’t be able to do it. I care too much about you to be indifferent” He looked into her blue eyes. Now they didn’t seem that sad. But he knew he was the only one who could make them better. And he couldn’t do that.

“Thank you. I guess” Christina mumbled.

After having a great day the company got back. Adam and Christina still didn’t show up on the picnic. So the first thing that Shakira did coming to the hotel was looking for Adam. She knocked in his room but noone answered, she then tried the door, but it was locked.

Thinking for a second Shakira decided to head for Christina’s room where she met Blake. He was going to check on Christina.

Noone answered on the knock as they pushed the doorknob and the door opened. They found Christina and Adam peacefully sleeping on the bed as the two of them were sweetly holding each other’s hands.

Shakira could feel jealousy going through her body. Maybe this meant nothing. But the feeling that he was hers was winning over her. It seemed something for her. And she didn’t want to see him like that with anyone else, especially not with Christina. Though on outside she looked calm like there was absolutely nothing.

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