"So...all we've been through together, you're just going to throw it all away? For nothing?" I shrug and his eyes widen.

"No! Of course not. No, it's the complete opposite. Ni, I'm doing this to protect you. How many times have I hurt you? Really? I don't wanna do that anymore. I'm no good for you-"

"I don't care if you're no good for me! I chose you, okay? I chose to be with you, I chose for you break my heart the way you did because you know why? I love you!" I exclaim and he winces, squeezing his eyes shut. Why is it so hard for him to see that?

"What if it's not enough," he mumbles and at that, my heart breaks. I can feel it breaking. Like someone has stabbed a knife through my heart and ran it right through it. That's when I start crying and I don't care that he sees.

"Not enough?! My love for you isn't enough?! Me forgiving you for cheating on me isn't enough?! What have I got to prove how much I love you?!"

"Nothing! Don't you see?! It's not you, it's me! No matter how many times I hurt you and you forgive me, it's never going to be enough! I am always going to hurt you and I don't want to do that! I want you to be happy! Like you deserve!" We had no clue that our shouting had gotten so bad. Our voices had risen and we were shouting so loudly that Mrs. Parkinson up the stairs had stomped on my room with a broomstick to get us to quieten down.

"Ni, I really think we need the space." Harry continues, giving me a pitied look. I shaky my head frantically so he steps over, our noses bumping together.

"No, we don't. Look, I know I've not been the best boyfriend either. I know I'm partially to blame in this relationship – what with Bresi and Cassandra. But I can change, right? We learn from these mistakes, I know not to do that now -" I'm practically begging him now but he stops me from talking. He gently shushes me, his fingertips brushing over my lower lip, causing shivers to run down my spine. His fingers are now running over my cheeks, wiping away the stray tears.

"You don't have to change at all, love." He whispers, pecking me lightly on the cheek before leaving without another word. When I open my eyes again, he's gone. Heart racing, I rush to open the door again but of course, there's no one there. Closing the door shut, I run my hands through my hair, panicking.


Harry's left me. He's gone. He's broken my heart, yet again. Anger boiling up inside me, I grab an empty bottle of alcohol and toss it against the nearest wall so that it shatters to the ground in a million tiny pieces. My breathing becomes hard and ragged and I decide to sit down on my sofa, letting out frustrated sobs and wails until I hear someone knocking on my door again.

Thinking it's Harry, I compose myself again and wipe away my tears with the back of my hand. Trying to get my breathing back to normal, I answer the door. But it's only Liam. I let him inside and he looks me up and down with a smirk on his face taking in my messy hair and he fact that I'm only in my boxers.

"If that isn't the walk of shame, I don't know what is." He teases and I attempt to smile weakly, although it comes out more forced than anything. There's a short pause, in which I sit on a stool at the kitchen island. "Are you okay?" He asks softly, sitting opposite me. 

"Mhmm." I hum back, although he's not entirely convinced.

"Niall." He encourages and I sigh deeply.

"Harry and I broke up." I say, miserable. Liam's eyes widen.

"Mate..." He sympathizes but I wave my hand dismissively. 

"Well, he really said a break but...we both know how that'll turn out." I smirk, shrugging my shoulders. Liam smiles weakly at me and goes to make us both cups of tea. For the rest of the day, I'm tucked up next to Liam on the sofa with a tub of ice crea  on my lap while we watch films and re-runs of series'.

"I wish I had a boyfriend like you, Liam." I say thoughtfully, as I dig out another spoonful of Ben & Jerries.

"Like me?"

"Yeah. You're kind, generous, honest, caring...you've got the whole package." I sigh and he chuckles quietly. 

"I'm flattered. If I didn't know any better I would've thought you were flirting with me." He smirks and I laugh.

"Maybe a little bit." I admit bashfully and we both chuckle.

"Well, if I find a guy exactly like me, you'll be the first to know." He assures me and I smile lazily, resting my head against his chest.

"Thank you, although it's pretty hard to find a guy like that these days." I mumble.

"I like a challenge." He replies and I smile again, falling asleep on his chest.


Sorry if this is pretty short but it's only what I could manage in the space of two days. So Narry have finally split up! What do you think? This was the plan for the whole story, for Narry to break up in the end. I didn't want a happy ending. Sorry. But I do have a twist coming up. What do you guys think? Who do you think is to blame in this relationship? They've both been as bad as each other, if I'm perfectly honest with you. Anyways, let me know what you think! Much love. xxx

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