Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Making Plans with the Enemy?

"No way. There is absolutely no way that is happening!" I shout into my phone at Kim. She sighs dramatically and stop myself from shouting agian.

"Connor, it's the only way. Take her by surprise!"

"I am most definitely not going to walk up to her and lip rape her. That's sexual assault, and I'd reather not get arrested, okay?"

Kim laughs and I grind my teeth together. "'Lip rape?' Wow. That's pretty bad. But funny. Still, I think it's a good idea. Just go right up to her and kiss her! Sweep her off her feet like a Disney prince!"

I roll my eyes and pace around the park. After what happened yesterday at the library, I almost threw my phone in the lake. But today, I thought I'd try to relax in the park. Then I check my phone and noticed I had twenty-four messages from Kim. So now I am returning the call, and I'm not exactly relaxed anymore. "i am not a Disney prince. I am just a regular guy trying to go out with Allison."

"Yeah, that's your problem. Guys don't go out with Allison. Mr, sure. Nikki, Sarah, even Mark. But Allie? No. She hasn't had a serious boyfriend in... ever, actually. So this is uncharted territory here. You'll need all the help you can get."

"What, help from you? No thanks," I say. Help from Kim? Definitely not a great idea.

Kim is suddenly angry. She sort of scares me when she's angry. "Come on! I can help you! Please let me help. You're the perfect guy for Allie, and I want to see you guys together. But that won't happen unless you let me help. Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

I pause. Well, she could kill me, I guess that's the worst that would happen. But I guess I"ll take the risk. "Fine. Come meet me at the park."

"I'm already on my way, be there in five minutes." She hangs up and I close my eyes. This is a bad idea, I can already tell. Too late now, I guess. I decide that I have a few extra minutes, so I take a walk around the lake.

It's not that big, technically it's a pond, but for some reason they call it "The Lake." It's kind of peaceful out here, actually. I watch the little kids playing tag, the old people feeding pieces of bread to the ducks. When I sit at the edge of the water, I see a little girl and her father holding a kit above the water .Her face is beaming with pride as she struggles to hold on to the kite in the strong wind. Her father looks down at her with a smile tight on his face and I can't help envy them. I know it might be childish, but I really want a little girl someday. Sure, a boy would be cool to play football with and teach to throw a baseball. But a girl would be really neat, since I've had a brother, but never a sister. They seem actually kind of cool when they're little. And i hear that they cry a lot less than boys.

"Hello, handsome."

I jump and turn around. Kim is standing there with Tim, Paul, and Jerry. I squint up at Kim and give her a hard look. "Why?" I ask simply.

Jerry smirk and pulls me to my feet. "Kim picked us up. She said that you wanna go out with Allison? Nice."

I roll my eyes as Paul gives me a confused look. "What?"

He takes a step forward. "I thought you were dating Lacey?"

I shake my head and ignore Kim's raised eyebrows. "We're not dating, we're just fooling around, okay?"

"Get some!" Tim calls loud enough for the whole park to hear. Everyone turns their heads to see what Tim's talking about and notice Kim. She laughs and flips her hair back, giving me a smug smile. I punch Tim in the arm and walk toward a gazebo that's under the shade of an oak tree. Sitting down on the splinterd bench, i turn back to Paul and Jerry.

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